[comp.os.cpm] Fortran Cross Compilers? P.C.->Z-80

cook@gaia.UUCP (Forrest Cook) (08/08/87)

Does anybody out there know of any Fortran cross compilers that run on
the IBM PC and produce Z-80 code?

Information on C cross compilers would also be useful.  We are planning on
moving our Z-80 development software off of our aging NSC Starplex and on
to a PC.

Also... Is there any of the above software availible for running under

F. Cook		National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Co.

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (08/08/87)

If you have a V20 chip in your PC you can continue to use your CP/M
programs on the PC (as long as they are 8080, not Z80, executables).
The program to do this is:

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC

V20-80.COM			BINARY	  7552  2D8BH

Also available is:
Z80MU310.ARC			BINARY	165376  E0F5H

which is a Z80 emulator for the PC.  It works, but is rather slow.

--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {bellcore,decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)