W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (09/06/87)
The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during the month of August, 1987. The numbers following the filenames are the file size in bytes followed by the file format. (7) means ASCII, (8) means binary. For a complete list of all CP/M files, see: PD:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - Complete list with CRC values PD:<CPM>CPM.ARC - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8). PD:<CPM>FILES.DIR - Abbreviated list with only directory and file names PD:<CPM>FILES.IDX - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited There is currently no complete listing of all files, with descriptions. That is in the process of being created and will be announced when available. In the meantime, see PD:<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LST (ascii) or CPMAUG01.LZT (crunched) which is a complete listing of all CP/M files on GEnie, each with a one-line description. Since SIMTEL20 and GEnie have many of the same files, this will be a very useful listing. It is updated monthly. Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD: which normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted. <CPM.APPLE>PCPI-UG.1Z2 2176 Applicard Newsletter #102 <CPM.APPLE>PCPIAS11.AZM 5760 Applicard Z3 AUTOST w/Alias Fix <CPM.APPLE>PCPICLK2.LBR 18944 full-screen Clock/Cal for PCPI <CPM.APPLE>PCPIGRLR.LBR 2816 Applicard/Grappler 8th-bit Driver <CPM.APPLE>PCPITIME.LBR 3584 PCPI/DS1216E/Turbo Modula-2 support <CPM.ARC-LBR>LT23.LBR 39296 File typer/extractor/decompressor <CPM.ASMUTL>PRETTY23.LBR 28800 Reformat assembler languange source <CPM.ASMUTL>XREF36.LBR 46720 Cross reference for assembler lists <CPM.AZTEC-C>AZPIPE10.LBR 5632 Pipes for Aztec C, v. 1.06 <CPM.BASIC>ASTROLOG.LBR 10368 Horoscope planet position calculator <CPM.BASIC>POKER.BZS 4480 Poker card game for MBASIC <CPM.BBS>PCP-FCC.LBR 50048 More info on FCC access charge issue <CPM.BBSLISTS>RCPM0987.LBR 42496 Remote CP/M system phone list, Sept. <CPM.BDSC-4>CURLY.ARK 4552 Check for unmatched curly braces <CPM.BKGROUNDER>BG2WYSE.LBR 28288 Wyse terminal driver for BG-II <CPM.CALCULATOR>HPCALC12.LBR 37120 Full function HP calculator <CPM.CATLOG>DMASTER.LBR 24320 dBase file maintenance program <CPM.CATLOG>LCAT20.LBR 56320 Library Cataloging Utility ver 2.0 <CPM.CCP>HIST197.AZT 3072 Author's article/info on HIST197 <CPM.CPM3>CPM22EM.AZM 5760 Emulate CP/M 2.2 for CP/M 3 systems <CPM.CPM3>CPMPADD4.LBR 41984 Display key locations in CP/M+ system <CPM.CPM3>NULL.LBR 3200 Create -DISK.number files for CP/M+ <CPM.CPM3>QS-CPM3.ARK 2545 Set/reset file attributes in CP/M 3 <CPM.CPMINFO>EASYBDOS.LBR 69376 3-part tutorial - Understanding BDOS <CPM.DBASEII>DBMUSIC.LBR 20992 Dbase II Music Management system <CPM.DIRUTL>FILE23.LBR 14592 Finds files on all drives/user areas <CPM.DIRUTL>SD124.LBR 62336 Super Sorted Directory utility <CPM.DSKUTL>FIRE12.LBR 67328 Cleans up fragmented disk <CPM.EPSON>FXPRINT.ARK 6912 Epson FX-80 printer setup pgm. <CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LST 135364 PD CP/M file list, sorted w/desc <CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LZT 70400 PD CP/M file list, sorted w/desc <CPM.FILEDOCS>ROYALOAK.DZR 21120 Listing of RCP/M RoyalOak directories <CPM.FILUTL>CITCRC11.LBR 24320 CRC check using CCITT polynomial <CPM.GENASM>AREA13.LBR 14976 Find location by areacode or city <CPM.GENCOM>CLNDR.LBR 14976 Twelve month calendar for any year <CPM.GENDOC>ILISP.NZT 896 ILISP 2.0 user report of 2 bug fixes <CPM.GENDOC>TV803FB1.LBR 18304 Info about TeleVideo field bulletins <CPM.GENIE>GENIEFCC.ARK 38702 GEnie info - FCC modem fees proposal <CPM.GRAPHICS>RDUMP10.LBR 33664 Display Run Length Encoded graphics <CPM.HAMRADIO>NETWORK.LBR 12928 RF filter/network/trans. line design <CPM.HAMRADIO>NOVICE1F.LBR 7800 FCC NOVICE test video or printer <CPM.IMP>I2AE-1.AZM 7168 IMP Overlay - Action Enterprises <CPM.IMP>I2RY-1.AZM 7296 IMP Overlay - Royal Alphatronics <CPM.KAYPRO>KPLD517U.LBR 26112 Kaypro video text file display <CPM.KAYPRO>KPVID.LBR 2304 Kaypro programs use screen functions <CPM.KAYPRO>VT100KAY.LBR 16768 VT100 emulator for Kaypro <CPM.LIST>BANNER.LBR 23424 Print banners with large letters <CPM.LIST>BARGRAPH.LBR 23936 Configure/print bar graphs on Kaypro <CPM.LIST>BRADFONT.LBR 10112 Disassemble Bradford font files <CPM.LIST>BRFONTS.LBR 14336 Fonts for Bradford printing program <CPM.LIST>FANFLD10.LBR 39808 Print on both sides of paper <CPM.LIST>FANFOLD9.FZX 512 Patch to FANFOLD's PAGELENGTH option <CPM.LIST>FANFOLD9.LBR 83712 Print on both sides of paper <CPM.LIST>FILEPL31.LBR 61568 Print plots using Dot Matrix printer <CPM.LIST>FONT-FOG.LBR 123264 Multiple font banner printer <CPM.LIST>GEEFONT4.LBR 34560 Fonts with MAKEFONT compiler <CPM.LIST>LINEPAGE.LBR 17280 Page formatter for use with DBL <CPM.MEX>MEXOVL09.LZT 4096 list of 230+ overlays for MEX <CPM.MEX>MXO-DM20.AZM 11264 MEX Overlay - NCR DecisionMate V <CPM.MEX>MXO-RT10.AZM 7552 MEX overlay - RV 3451 autodial modem <CPM.MEX>MXO-XE34.AZM 20736 MEX Overlay - Xerox 820-I/820-II <CPM.MISC>APL-Z.ARK 58255 An APL interpreter for Z80 CP/M <CPM.MODEM>CRC.NZT 4608 Notes on calculating CRC values <CPM.MODEM>HAYS9600.TZT 5248 Hayes Smartmodem 9600 baud info <CPM.MODEM>YMODEM5.DZC 26240 XMODEM/YMODEM/MODEM protocol doc <CPM.MODEM>ZMODEM5.DZC 49792 Improved XMODEM file xfer protocol <CPM.MODULA2>MTMOD2.LBR 8192 A selection of Modula-2 programs <CPM.NEWS>NEWS-007.LZR 28544 PRACSA News Letter -- July <CPM.PACKET>DEDPK87.ARK 97499 WA8DED firmware - PK87 packet radio <CPM.PACKET>DEDTNC1.ARK 44836 WA8DED firmware - TNC-1 packet radio <CPM.PACKET>DEDTNC2.ARK 60248 WA8DED firmware - TNC-2 packet radio <CPM.PBBS>PBBS3BUG.RZT 2944 Problems with PBBS3 and BYE510 <CPM.PBBS>PUSER16.LBR 14848 Display PBBS user data <CPM.RCPM>PUBTOOL1.LBR 22272 Search RCP/M off-line catalog <CPM.RCPM>RDIR15P.LBR 18048 DIR gives transfer time at baud rate <CPM.RCPM>RUN201.LBR 6144 Run programs not normally accessible <CPM.RCPM>XFRTOOL3.LBR 83584 Report on KMD or XMODEM logs <CPM.RCPM>ZFILE5.LBR 23168 Scan all drive/user areas for a file <CPM.STARTER-KIT>-FILES.DOC 8326 Info re files in SIMTEL20 CP/M dirs. <CPM.SYSUTL>BIOSCLK.LBR 13696 Sets BIOS clock for Ampro <CPM.SYSUTL>CPMADDR.LBR 4992 Display key locations in CP/M system <CPM.SYSUTL>DSTAT10.LBR 12160 Displays info of disk control blocks <CPM.SYSUTL>MIMIC.LBR 768 Mimics keystrokes to screen <CPM.SYSUTL>RAMMAP.LBR 2816 Displays key CP/M locations. <CPM.SYSUTL>REDIR31.LBR 33152 I/O redirection utility <CPM.SYSUTL>SGEN2.LBR 8960 SYSGEN CP/M for 3 or more tracks <CPM.SYSUTL>TOOLS.LBR 43904 Collection of CP/M utilities <CPM.TURBOM2>M2ASTRO.LBR 4736 TurboModula-2 Astronomy Module <CPM.TURBOM2>M2DSCLK.LBR 17792 Full-Screen DateStamper Clock <CPM.TURBOM2>M2DSIEVE.LBR 15104 DateStamper timed Sieve in TM2 <CPM.TURBOM2>M2DSTIME.LBR 17664 DateStamper access via TurboModula2 <CPM.TURBOM2>M2TRIG-2.LBR 4224 Turbo Modula-2 Trig/Math Functions <CPM.TURBOPAS>BGBALPAS.LBR 11520 Checks for balanced comment brackets <CPM.TURBOPAS>MAZE.LBR 9728 Maze generation algorithms <CPM.TURBOPAS>QUBIC32.LBR 21248 Tic-Tac-Toe game in a 4x4x4 cube <CPM.TURBOPAS>XLIST62.LBR 51968 Cross-reference listing for Pascal <CPM.TXTUTL>DIF-SSED.DZC 2432 Documentation for DIFF and SSED <CPM.TXTUTL>DIF22.LBR 19200 Unix-style file comparison tool. <CPM.TXTUTL>FNCVT2.LBR 2560 Format file for use with Magic Print <CPM.TXTUTL>SSED22.LBR 12416 Stream editor used with DIF <CPM.TXTUTL>TOCOL.LBR 132224 Convert documents to multiple-column <CPM.TXTUTL>TXTCOM2.LBR 9856 Converts ASCII test to COM files <CPM.VDOEDIT>VDE261.LBR 60160 Full screen text editor/processor <CPM.WSTAR>WS4CPM.NZW 5376 List of features for WordStar 4.0 <CPM.WSTAR>WS4CPM.PZ 2816 Announcement of new CP/M WordStar <CPM.WSTAR>WSCTRL-Y.IZF 1920 Changing CTL-Y delete in WordStar <CPM.XEROX>NEWKEYS.LBR 13056 Xerox 820 key redefinition program <CPM.Z280>ZDAM-100.DZC 3328 Maintain directories and catalog <CPM.Z280>ZDAM-101.DZC 17536 Maintain directories and catalog <CPM.Z280>ZEDUX280.LBR 26624 Information about ZEDUX Z280 board <CPM.ZCPR33>EASE10.LBR 28544 ZCPR3 Command Line Editor <CPM.ZCPR33>FOR-SUPP.LBR 37504 Z-system FOR and K-FOR <CPM.ZCPR33>IOPUG.LBR 49792 ZCPR3 I/O Package User's Guide <CPM.ZCPR33>LDR16.LBR 13056 Gen-purpose ZCPR3 package loader <CPM.ZCPR33>LED02.LBR 9856 Z3 Line Editor <CPM.ZCPR33>LPUT.LBR 31488 Automated LBR maker for ZCPR3. <CPM.ZCPR33>MATH24.LBR 17280 Math subroutines and macros for Z80 <CPM.ZCPR33>NDRCHG10.LBR 3200 Rename a ZCPR3 named directory <CPM.ZCPR33>SH20.LBR 24064 Illustrates shells under ZCPR3 <CPM.ZCPR33>VALIAS11.LBR 30848 Loads a Alias command line buffer <CPM.ZCPR33>XALIAS11.LBR 24448 Enhanced Z3 ALIAS variant <CPM.ZCPR33>Z3INS14.LBR 9344 Install ZCPR33 System Utilities <CPM.ZCPR33>ZAPG.SZ 26112 ZCPR3 Applications Programmer Guide <CPM.ZCPR33>ZEX32.LBR 33664 ZCPR submit processor replacement <CPM.ZCPR33>ZMANG20.LBR 48256 Latest version of ZMANAGER <CPM.ZCPR33>ZRDOS12.DZC 5888 Changes to ZRDOS Version 1.2 <ZSYS.NEW>Z-NEWS.7Z9 6656 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #709 <ZSYS.NEW>Z-NEWS.8Z1 9216 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #801 <MISC.BBS>BIX727.TXT-FCC 16814 Info from BIX about FCC access charges <MISC.BBS>CIS-FCC.NOTE 7269 Info from CIS about FCC access charges <MISC.BBS>COMMENT.TXT-FCC 14691 Comments of FCC proposal from a few BBS <MISC.BBS>FCCWRITE.TXT 18151 Form letter to write to the FCC <MISC.BBSLISTS>UNIQUE13.BBS 21426 Unique BBS systems phone list <MISC.GENIE>ALERT.ACT 3359 Info of FCC Proposal from GEnie <MISC.GENIE>COMMUNIC.ATE 3335 Communicate to FCC about Access fees <MISC.GENIE>CONGRESS.ADR 40694 Congressmen address to write about FCC <MISC.GENIE>PROPOSAL.FCC 31786 FCC proposal of phone access fee <MISC.GENIE>SENATORS.ADR 6435 Address of US Senators to write on FCC <MISC.GENIE>WRITE.LTR 7193 Article on new FCC proposal <MISC.HAMRADIO>BICYCLE.HAM 19862 Ham tours country with electronic bike <MISC.HAMRADIO>CODETEST.HINTS 7426 Hints on passing the FCC code test <MISC.IBM-VM>ARCBOOT.EXE 35312 IBM VM/SP library utility bootstrap <MISC.IBM-VM>ARCUTIL.LBR 60672 IBM VM/SP library utility <MISC.IBM-VM>VMS.TCPIP 2915 Where to get TCPIP for VMS <MISC.MODEMS>DUCK-MODEM.REVIEW 7344 Review of ADC "Duck" modem <MISC.MODEMS>HAYS9600.TXT 12183 Hayes Smartmodem 9600 baud info <MISC.MODEMS>MODEM.LIST 5396 Information on 2400 baud modems <MISC.MODEMS>MULTITECH.UPGRADE 1149 Firmware fix for Multitech modems <MISC.MODEMS>PDRS-ANS.TXT 5893 Further discussion about PDRS <MISC.MODEMS>PDRS.TXT 24472 Public Digital Radio Service <MISC.PCPURSUIT>-READ.ME 1602 Info of FCC Proposal from PC Pursuit <MISC.PCPURSUIT>ANALYSIS.1 10123 Telenet's analysis (1) of Access Fees <MISC.PCPURSUIT>ANALYSIS.2 22490 Telenet's analysis (2) of Access Fees <MISC.PCPURSUIT>CMNT-FMT.FCC 16019 Comments of FCC proposal from Telenet <MISC.PCPURSUIT>CORP.LTR 3817 Letter to Telenet corporation customers <MISC.PCPURSUIT>DOCKET.FCC 39002 FCC docket on Proposed Access Fees <MISC.PCPURSUIT>LTR-FMT.FCC 8520 Form letter to write to FCC <MISC.PCPURSUIT>PCP-CITY.LST 4178 List of local numbers for PC Pursuit <MISC.PCPURSUIT>PURSUIT.LTR 4822 Letter sent to PC Pursuit customers <MISC.PROTOCOLS>XMODEM-CRC.NOTE 8879 Information on use of CRC in XMODEM <MISC.PROTOCOLS>YMODEM5.DOC 65477 XMODEM/YMODEM/MODEM protocol doc <MISC.PROTOCOLS>ZMODEM5.DOC 103675 Improved XMODEM file xfer protocol The following are all part of Chuck Forsberg's XMODEM/YMODEM/ZMODEM file transfer program, written in C, for Unix/Xenix/etc. <MISC.ZMODEM>GZ 15 <MISC.ZMODEM>MINIRB.1 1223 <MISC.ZMODEM>MINIRB.C 4232 <MISC.ZMODEM>MINIRB.MAN 1399 <MISC.ZMODEM>PTEST.SH 123 <MISC.ZMODEM>RBSB.C 14091 <MISC.ZMODEM>README 1904 <MISC.ZMODEM>RZ.1 6939 <MISC.ZMODEM>RZ.C 26275 <MISC.ZMODEM>RZ.MAN 7898 <MISC.ZMODEM>SZ.1 10981 <MISC.ZMODEM>SZ.C 32353 <MISC.ZMODEM>SZ.MAN 12474 <MISC.ZMODEM>ZM.C 14821 <MISC.ZMODEM>ZMODEM.ABSTRACT 2093 <MISC.ZMODEM>ZMODEM.H 5610 <MISC.ZMODEM>ZMODEM5.DOC 103675 <MISC.ZMODEM>ZUPL.T 729 --Keith Petersen Arpa: W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA Uucp: {bellcore,decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz GEnie: W8SDZ RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)
W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (09/06/87)
>.... In the meantime, see PD:<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LST (ascii) >or CPMAUG01.LZT (crunched) which is a complete listing of all CP/M >files on GEnie, each with a one-line description. Since SIMTEL20 and >GEnie have many of the same files, this will be a very useful listing. >It is updated monthly. That should have read CPMSEP01.LST and CPMSEP01.LZT. --Keith