busu@cc.uofm.CDN.UUCP (09/08/87)
I have a friend who has a C128 and wishes to use his modem with it. He has the 2.2 patch to run 2.2 software, all he needs now is the programs to use. I know MEX has a patch available for it and is on SIMTEL20, but the files are not on the BITNET server (which is the only one which I can use I think). Can some kind soul please send me some comm program for the C128 in CPM mode preferably 2.2. MEX would be nice. But beggers can't be choosers. Thank for all your help and assistance. P.S. I cannot see what I am typing on this bloody termnial ... so be gentle on spelling mistakes. Dan Keizer BUSU@CC.UOFM.CDN BUSU@UOFMCC.BITNET