[comp.os.cpm] New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during September


The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the month of September, 1987.  The column labeled "T"
(Type) is the file format.  (7) means ASCII, (8) means binary.

For a complete list of all CP/M files, see:
   PD:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - Complete list with CRC values
   PD:<CPM>CPM.ARC    - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
   PD:<CPM>FILES.DIR  - Abbreviated list with only directory and file names
   PD:<CPM>FILES.IDX  - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited

There is currently no complete listing of all files, with descriptions.
That is in the process of being created and will be announced when
available.  In the meantime, see PD:<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMOCT01.LST (ascii)
or CPMOCT01.LZT (crunched) which is a complete listing of all CP/M
files on GEnie, each with a one-line description.  Since SIMTEL20 and
GEnie have many of the same files, this will be a very useful listing.
It is updated monthly.

Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.

                        CP/M September Report

Directory        Name         Size   T Description
================ ============ ====== = =================================

<CPM.APPLE>      PCPI-WS4.AZM  768   8 Applicard/Wordstar 4.0 Patch
<CPM.APPLE>      PCPICLK3.LBR  18944 8 Full-Screen Clock for Applicard
<CPM.APPLE>      PCPIFST5.IZF  4480  8 Applicard speed-up info

<CPM.ASMUTL>     CHKIF.LBR     15872 8 Check for balanced conditionals
<CPM.ASMUTL>     SHOFNC10.LBR  21888 8 Trace BDOS calls in executed program
<CPM.ASMUTL>     Z80MR.UZD     1536  8 Corrections to Z80MR documentation

<CPM.BASIC>      ROULETTE.BZS  3456  8 Win with Roulette game in MBASIC
<CPM.BASIC>      SURVIVAL.BZS  9472  8 Survive in space with MBASIC game
<CPM.BASIC>      VADER.BZS     8704  8 Battle Darth Vader in MBASIC game
<CPM.BASIC>      WORLDBR.LBR   9856  8 Build Science Fiction solar systems

<CPM.BBSLISTS>   PDFT1087.LZT  8320  8 Terse RCP/M phone number list
<CPM.BBSLISTS>   RCPM1087.LBR  41856 8 Remote CP/M system phone list, Oct.

<CPM.BDOS>       SUPRBDOS.IZF  1536  8 SUPRBDOS install experiences/hints

<CPM.BKGROUNDER> BG-REVU.TZT   14464 8 Review of BackGrounder II
<CPM.BKGROUNDER> BGHIST04.LBR  6400  8 BGii History Shell w/ZEX fix
<CPM.BKGROUNDER> BGSCREEN.DZC  7168  8 Info to BackGrounder screen drivers
<CPM.BKGROUNDER> DEALERS.BZ2   512   8 BackGrounder dealer list

<CPM.C128>       C128CMPT.DZC  5888  8 Disk/Data transfer programs for C128
<CPM.C128>       FORMAT81.LBR  8704  8 Format the 1581 on C128 under CP/M
<CPM.C128>       RDCBM21.LBR   18816 8 C-128 DOS to CP/M file copier
<CPM.C128>       VDO-C128.LBR  18816 8 VDO memory based editor for C-128

<CPM.CALCULATOR> ANNUITY.ARK   11907 8 Calc. missing variable in annuities
<CPM.CALCULATOR> BIGCAL22.LBR  18560 8 Produce wall sized calendar
<CPM.CALCULATOR> RPNCALC.LBR   36224 8 RPN calculator - w/command stg.

<CPM.CPM3>       INSTALL.CZP   7424  8 Setting up a RCP/M under CP/M Plus
<CPM.CPM3>       MFORMAT.LBR   8448  8 Formats RAM disk on cold boot
<CPM.CPM3>       RSXMAP.LBR    12288 8 Display dynamic memory in CP/M Plus

<CPM.DATABASE>   DBLIST11.LBR  48128 8 Produces cross reference for dBASE
<CPM.DATABASE>   FILCRD46.LBR 131328 8 4-by-6 file card database

<CPM.DBASEII>    PI-EVAL.LBR   6528  8 Translate injury into dollar value

<CPM.DEBUG>      DDTZ26.LBR    76544 8 Z80 replacement for DDT debugger

<CPM.DIRUTL>     DIRDIRS2.LBR  7808  8 DIR command for CCP replacements
<CPM.DIRUTL>     RENAMZ11.LBR  19840 8 Z80 file renameing utility
<CPM.DSKUTL>     WREN-II.CDC   1766  7 How to get Control Data disk drives

<CPM.EDITOR>     VEDIT.IZF     2304  8 VEDIT windowing demo screens
<CPM.EDITOR>     VEDIT-WS.LBR  3072  8 WS like Key Layout for VEDIT

<CPM.EPSON>      GCSFX.LBR     4480  8 Epson FX-85 setup/print/typewriter
<CPM.EPSON>      HIGKFONT.LBR  10624 8 Greek character set for Epson Fx
<CPM.EPSON>      PX8INFO.LBR   20992 8 Technical info for PX-8 laptop

<CPM.FILCPY>     PPIP17.LBR    67840 8 PIP replacement takes DU: form

<CPM.FILEDOCS>   CPMOCT01.LST 139093 7 CP/M file list, sorted w/desc
<CPM.FILEDOCS>   CPMOCT01.LZT  73728 8 CP/M file list, sorted w/desc

<CPM.FILUTL>     UNLOAD22.LBR  6784  8 Convert a .COM file to a .HEX file

<CPM.GENASM>     AREA14.LBR    15232 8 Find location by areacode or city
<CPM.GENASM>     LUCKY13.LBR   28672 8 Lottery number generator/checker

<CPM.GENIE>      GENIE.IDX     4560  7 GEnie mnemonics & page nrs. index
<CPM.GENIE>      GENIECPM.AZG 105216 8 Listing of files in CP/M SL - August

<CPM.HEATH>      DIRF38HZ.LBR  17920 8 HZ19/89 DIR list with descriptions

<CPM.HELP>       TURBOPAS.HZP  2560  8 Help file for Turbo Pascal

<CPM.KAYPRO>     OUTLINER.LBR  49792 8 Outline processor

<CPM.LIST>       DECSET.LBR    10624 8 DEC LA-120 printer setup program
<CPM.LIST>       FANFLD11.LBR  87936 8 Print on both sides of paper
<CPM.LIST>       PRTCOL10.LBR  38656 8 Format text into two or more columns

<CPM.MEX>        MXO-MO10.LBR  36352 8 MEX overlay - MicroMint SB180 MOSRT
<CPM.MEX>        MXO-SN10.AZM  19712 8 MEX Overlay - Sanyo MBC-1200/1250
<CPM.MEX>        PCPMEX10.LBR  15616 8 MEX-Plus scripts for PC Pursuit

<CPM.MODEM7>     M7AD-4.AZM    7296  8 MODM700 overlay for Adam Syndmodem

<CPM.MODULA2>    BITWISE.MZD   1024  8 More "bit" stuff for Modula-2

<CPM.NEWS>       AUG85.MZG     20224 8 The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine
<CPM.NEWS>       FEB86.MZG     14976 8 The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine
<CPM.NEWS>       JAN86.MZG     22144 8 The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine
<CPM.NEWS>       OCT85.MZG     14592 8 The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine
<CPM.NEWS>       SEP85.MZG     17280 8 The $R/O (ReadOnly) News Magazine

<CPM.PBBS>       PUSER17.LBR   52736 8 Utility to report on PBBS user file

<CPM.PUBPATCH>   PUBPTZ10.LBR  37248 8 Plu*Perfect Public patch for ZRDOS

<CPM.RCPM>       BYTIME31.AZM  4480  8 Display user stats on RCP/M system
<CPM.RCPM>       GO104.LBR     12160 8 Move easily around drives/user areas
<CPM.RCPM>       XFRTOOL4.LBR  11648 8 Report on KMD or XMODEM logs

<CPM.SQUSQ>      CRUNCH24.LBR  30080 8 LZW data compression utilities
<CPM.SQUSQ>      QL16.LBR      29184 8 "Quick Look" typer

<CPM.SYSUTL>     SAFRAM5.LBR   19072 8 Creates a safe zone below the Bdos

<CPM.TURBOM2>    LONG-SUB.MZD  4992  8 Submit processing under ZCPR 3.3
<CPM.TURBOM2>    M2BITS.LBR    4608  8 "Bit stuff" for Turbo Modula-2
<CPM.TURBOM2>    M2BUGDEM.MZD  640   8 Demo of Modula2 bug
<CPM.TURBOM2>    M2FST.LBR     5120  8 demo stuff for Modula-2
<CPM.TURBOM2>    MONITOR.TZ2   2688  8 Technical Note on Turbo Modula-2
<CPM.TURBOM2>    TELE.LBR      6912  8 TM2 graphics functions for TeleVideo
<CPM.TURBOM2>    TM2RENAM.LBR  3456  8 Bug-fix for Turbo Modula-2
<CPM.TURBOM2>    WNDODEMO.LBR  37120 8 Window's for Turbo Modula-2

<CPM.TURBOPAS>   ENVIRON.LBR   13184 8 Implement programming environment
<CPM.TURBOPAS>   USQ141.LBR    21632 8 Turbo Pascal UnSQueezer

<CPM.TXTUTL>     BISHOW34.ARK  32901 8 Bidirectional ASCII file viewer
<CPM.TXTUTL>     LIT.LBR       1408  8 Convert test file to COM file
<CPM.TXTUTL>     NOTE2.LBR     10752 8 Put a note in a COM file
<CPM.TXTUTL>     SEARCH.LBR    15744 8 Search text files for a Keyword

<CPM.VDOEDIT>    VDEPTCH3.ZZX  1280  8 VDE patch reverses down arrow/insert

<CPM.WSTAR>      WS4BW2.FIX    1286  7 WS 4.0 fix for Bondwell 2
<CPM.WSTAR>      WS4MT.FIX     1021  7 WS 4.0 fix for Morrow MT60/MT70
<CPM.WSTAR>      WS4REVUE.TXT  2903  7 WordStar 4 - is it really improved?

<CPM.ZCPR33>     ARUNZ09F.LBR  17152 8 ZCPR33 extended command processor
<CPM.ZCPR33>     CD33.LBR      5888  8 ZCPR3 change directory command
<CPM.ZCPR33>     DOSVER02.LBR  1664  8 Displays ZRDOS version number
<CPM.ZCPR33>     DU313.LBR     55168 8 ZCPR3 disk maintenance utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>     DU313CW.LBR   69376 8 ZCPR3 disk maintenance utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>     EDITND.LBR    36480 8 Edit the system named directory
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ERRATA1.Z33   920   7 Assembling the Z33 FCP and RCP
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ERRORX11.LBR  1920  8 Cancels ZCPR33 error handling
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ERRSET13.LBR  4352  8 Displays/clears/sets error handler
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ERRUTILS.LBR  16768 8 Error handling routines for ZCPR33
<CPM.ZCPR33>     GETVAR12.LBR  15744 8 Define and refer to shell variables
<CPM.ZCPR33>     HSH15.LBR     21760 8 ZCPR3 history processing shell
<CPM.ZCPR33>     LBREXT22.LBR  19712 8 Extracts/uncompresses from libraries
<CPM.ZCPR33>     LDSK20.LBR    8320  8 Logs in disk directories for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>     LLDR.LBR      12416 8 Read files from a library into LDR
<CPM.ZCPR33>     LX16.LBR      19072 8 ZCPR3 Library eXecute tool
<CPM.ZCPR33>     MU312.LBR     15360 8 ZCPR3 memory utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>     NHSH-Z33.LBR  14208 8 Save and re-issue commands in ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>     NZEX-C.LBR    14720 8 New version of ZEX for ZCPR 3.3
<CPM.ZCPR33>     PAUSE11.LBR   8320  8 Pause in ZCPR3 ZEX files
<CPM.ZCPR33>     PRICES14.RZS  8576  8 Z software price list from Echelon
<CPM.ZCPR33>     PUSH12.LBR    7296  8 Save current drive/user, registers
<CPM.ZCPR33>     RCPH-GKT.LZB  2304  8 Displays ZCPR resident command list
<CPM.ZCPR33>     RENAME32.LBR  15616 8 Rename files in the ZCPR environment
<CPM.ZCPR33>     SALIAS1G.LBR  52608 8 Screen oriented alias editor
<CPM.ZCPR33>     TCJ28.MZG     20352 8 Sage ZSIG Column, TCJ Issue #28
<CPM.ZCPR33>     TYPE3HDR.BUG  1882  7 Fix for type3hdr on interrupt driven
<CPM.ZCPR33>     TYPE3HDR.ZZ0  896   8 Type-3 environment header code
<CPM.ZCPR33>     VERROR17.LBR  15872 8 ZCPR3 error handler
<CPM.ZCPR33>     VFILER43.FOR  601   7 Desctription of VFILER43.LBR
<CPM.ZCPR33>     VFILER43.LBR 101760 8 ZCPR3 file maintenance utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>     VMENU26.FOR   727   7 Description of VMENU26.LBR
<CPM.ZCPR33>     VMENU26.LBR   74880 8 ZCPR3 Menu command preprocessor
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z33IF.MZG     1920  8 Explanation of "IF" mystery in ZNEWS
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z33IF11.LBR   26752 8 Transient Z33 IF processor
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z33LIB04.LBR  8448  8 LIB routines for ZCPR version 3.3
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z33VER09.LBR  26752 8 Error Handler for ZCPR3.3
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z33ZASM.LBR   7936  8 Assemble ZCPR33 with Cromemco ZASM
<CPM.ZCPR33>     Z3USER.LBR    26112 8 The user's perspective of ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ZCPR33.FZR    17280 8 Descriptions of ZCPR 3.3 files
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ZF10H.LBR     60544 8 SWEEP-like utility for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ZFDOCS.LBR    16640 8 Documentation for ZFILER
<CPM.ZCPR33>     ZLUX25A.LBR   38784 8 RCP/M utility handles LBR and ARK's

<ZSYS.NEW>       Z-NEWS.8Z2    10624 8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #802
<ZSYS.NEW>       Z-NEWS.8Z3    10752 8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #803
<ZSYS.NEW>       Z-NEWS.8Z4    6912  8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #804

<MISC.BBS>    LEGAL-QANDA.TXT  13839 7 Telenet Q&A on FCC modem fees

<MISC.BBSLISTS>  313BBS10.LST  20050 7 313 area code BBS list
<MISC.BBSLISTS>  9600-87P.LST  23591 7 9600 bps BBS phone list
<MISC.BBSLISTS>  ASTROBBS.LST  12281 7 Astronomy-related BBS list

<MISC.HAMRADIO>  HAMBBS.LST    11654 7 Ham Radio-related BBS list

<MISC.MODEMS>    MICROCOM.MDM  4552  7 Microcom modems BBS SysOp deal

<MISC.PCPURSUIT> RVPRIMER.TXT  11308 7 RV modem commands for PC Pursuit

These files are available via standard anonymous FTP via the
Arpanet/Milnet.  They are also available on my RCP/M and on
GEnie's CP/M RoundTable.

--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {bellcore,decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)