Got a problem with printer overlay and RAM. My copy of Wordstar CPM Version 4 arrived a couple days ago and I agree with the reviews seen here -- looks like a winner. A lot of the public domain auxiliary programs like indexing, table of contents, ascii'fying, etc got rolled up into the main program. Footnoting does seem to have been left out though. O well, this is a word processor, not yet a desktop publisher. Anyway, to my problem. Hardware: AMPRO Little Board running ZCPR3. Printer is a Daisywriter which is a clone of diablo/qume/NEC daisy wheels (can emulate any of them by DIP switches.) Specific problem. With the installed printer driver (any of the choices) I get a 'Can't use that printer. Incorrect name or not enough memory.' error. The optional printer drivers (e.g. DRAFT) work ok. It appears that I probably have a collision in RAM between some o the ZCPR stuff and the printer driver, but I'm not yet sure. Anyway, I tried the memory squeeze trick to no avail (in WSCHANGE). Anybody got ideas or cures? The book solution isn't much help.... Rex Buddenberg -------