[comp.os.cpm] WordStar/4 printer fixed


Problem solved, sorry to have bothered you all.

For thos who might encounter the same...WordStar Vers 4 comes with
a whole pot full of printer drivers.  The WINSTALL program rolls them 
all up on the menu and invites you to pick one -- seductively easy.
But not complete!

The Program distribution disc has a printer .OVL file with about 4
drivers on board.  If the one you niavely install is in this .OVL
file, fine and dandy -- but most of the drivers are in the BIG
library (~150k) and on another disc.  Consequently, the opaque
error message that says that the driver you are calling up ain't

Fix.  In the installation fine print, page xxii of the manual.
(Yeah, I know...).  You rebuild the working .OVL to include the
drivers you intend to use -- including the one you 'installed'
in the WINSTALL.

Rex Buddenberg