[comp.os.cpm] New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during November

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (12/06/87)

The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the months of November and December to date.  The
column labeled "T" (Type) is the file format.  (7) means ASCII, (8)
means binary.

For a complete list of all CP/M files, see:
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - Complete list with CRC values
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.ARC    - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
   PD1:<CPM>FILES.IDX  - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited

For a list of many of the CP/M files, with descriptions, see:
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.IDX - Comma-delimited list
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.ARK - Same, ARChived (includes next two files)
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.INF - Description of data fields in SIMCPM.IDX

Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD1: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.

                           CP/M November Report

Directory         Name         Size   T Description
================= ============ ====== = ======================================

<CPM.ARC-LBR>     CPMARC.ARK    90391 8 'C' source for CP/M ARC maker
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     CPMARC.BUG    1552  7 Describes problems with CP/M ARCer
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIRB11.LBR   35712 8 Display LBR director w/date/CRC/des
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIRB12.BUG   681   7 Author of LDIR-B comments on ver 1.2
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIRB12.LBR   36096 8 Display LBR directory w/date/CRC/des

<CPM.ASMUTL>      CLNRES.LBR    4480  8 Cleans disassembled source files
<CPM.ASMUTL>      GEN180.LBR    14464 8 Adds HD64180 instructions to M80
<CPM.ASMUTL>      MEYERTUT.ARK  88318 8 CP/M 8080 assembly language tutorial
<CPM.ASMUTL>      STRIP11.LBR   3328  8 Strip comments from assembly source

<CPM.BASIC>       LOAN2.BZS     14848 8 Loan calculation program

<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM1287.BZF  10624 8 Terse list of remote CP/M systems
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM1287.LZT  38272 8 List of remote CP/M systems, Dec.

<CPM.BDOS>        NOSLTDOS.LBR  20480 8 No-slot clock for file date stamping

<CPM.CBIOS>       SAVBIOS.LBR   4096  8 Save new BIOS for Montezuma Micro

<CPM.CONIX>       NULUZ15.LBR   25728 8 NULU LBR utilities for CONIX

<CPM.CPM3>        TIMEBSX.LBR   1280  8 Time routines for banked XBIOS

<CPM.CPM68K>      ARC68K.ARC   133888 8 ARC 5.12 for CP/M-68K

<CPM.CPM86>       LU86-2.LBR    31488 8 Library Utility for CP/M-86

<CPM.CPMINFO>     CPMDISC.LBR   42112 8 Discussion of CP/M's past and future

<CPM.DATABASE>    DBAR-12.LBR   21504 8 dBASE and GRAPH bargraph maker
<CPM.DATABASE>    TOLOG.LBR     13312 8 Flexible database utility for dBase

<CPM.DIRUTL>      PACKHELP.LBR  16256 8 Provides PACK list of disk directory
<CPM.DIRUTL>      RENAMZ13.LBR  20096 8 File renaming utility
<CPM.DIRUTL>      SD118ARK.LBR  67200 8 DIR utility for members of ARK files
<CPM.DIRUTL>      UNERA32.LBR   21120 8 Utility to restore deleted files
<CPM.DSKUTL>      FBAD60A.LBR   27008 8 Find and lock out bad disk sectors

<CPM.EDUCATION>   K-CHING.LBR   82048 8 Book of Changes in Modula2/Pascal

<CPM.EPSON>       EPSLINK.AZM   16640 8 CP/M file transfer with Epson Geneva

<CPM.FILCPY>      ACOPY16.LBR   22400 8 General purpose file copy utility

<CPM.FILEDOCS>    CPM.HDR       129   7 PC-File db header for FILES.IDX
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    CPMDEC03.LST 156775 7 List of CP/M public domain files
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    CPMDEC03.LZT  82432 8 List of CP/M public domain files
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    ROYALOAK.DZR  23040 8 RCP/M Royal Oak directories 12/3/87
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    SIMCPM.ARK    71380 8 Index w/desc of SIMTEL20 CP/M files
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    SIMCPM.IDX   152301 7 Index w/desc of SIMTEL20 CP/M files
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    SIMCPM.INF    180   7 Field size/name info for SIMCPM.IDX

<CPM.FILUTL>      QLOCK.LBR     4864  8 Universal file encryption utility

<CPM.FORTH-83>    UNIFORTH.LBR  96896 8 Sampler of Professional Uniforth

<CPM.GENASM>      FLIFEH89.LBR  16384 8 Z80 game of LIFE for the H89
<CPM.GENASM>      NOSLTPOP.LBR  6400  8 Displays clock while running program

<CPM.GENDOC>      EUROPE.TZT    9472  8 Discusses computing in Europe
<CPM.GENDOC>      FILENAME.IZF  11776 8 Discussion of file utilities
<CPM.GENDOC>      INFOCOM.INF   2582  7 Info on Infocom games bargains

<CPM.GENIE>       GENIE.IZD     20096 8 Descriptions of GEnie's services

<CPM.GRAPHICS>    OMNIDEMO.LBR  49664 8 Window interface for Kaypro

<CPM.KAYPRO>      INTPTCH3.LBR  4608  8 Kaypro FASTTERM/INTTERM improvements
<CPM.KAYPRO>      K1SCREEN.IZF  1792  8 Video escape sequences for Kaypro 1
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KPBUMPER.ARK  13409 8 Bumber stickers for Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>      SHAFT.LBR     2944  8 Demonstration of graphics on Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>      WSKP.ARK      16384 8 Redefine keypad for Kaypro/WordStar

<CPM.LIST>        BRAD-GRK.LBR  3328  8 Greek font for Bradford
<CPM.LIST>        BRAD-HEB.LBR  3840  8 Hebrew font for Bradford
<CPM.LIST>        SETMRG21.LBR  5760  8 Set margins on Diablo printers

<CPM.MEX>         MEXOVL10.LZT  4608  8 List of 230+ overlays for MEX
<CPM.MEX>         MXH-VI10.AZM  7936  8 MEX Overlay - Visual 1050
<CPM.MEX>         MXM-NE10.AZM  6656  8 MEX Overlay - NEC N202BR-L1 modem
<CPM.MEX>         MXO-GB12.AZM  10368 8 MEX Overlay - CompuPro I3/I4
<CPM.MEX>         MXO-ON2.LBR   22912 8 MEX Overlay - ON! computers
<CPM.MEX>         MXO-SP2.AZM   6656  8 MEX Port overlay for Spectravideo SV

<CPM.MODEM>       NSD.ARK       8000  8 Terminal program in Zbasic
<CPM.MODEM>       PCPIMP05.LBR  34048 8 PC Pursuit auto-dial program
<CPM.MODEM>       RT11MODM.LBR  7040  8 Xmodem for DEC RT11

<CPM.NSTAR>       LI.LBR        4352  8 List dir/copy NorthStar disk to CP/M

<CPM.PBBS>        PBBS-04.LBR  184704 8 PBBS 4.0 Bulletin Board System
<CPM.PBBS>        PBBSTCAP.FIX  702   7 Fix to PBBS TCAP problem
<CPM.PBBS>        PBBSUP-4.LBR  91264 8 Supplementary Files for PBBS 4.0
<CPM.PBBS>        PBBSUTL4.LBR  8320  8 Utilities for PBBS 4.0
<CPM.PBBS>        PINSTAL.CZM   4480  8 PBBS install program

<CPM.PUBPATCH>    PUBNOTES.TZT  2688  8 BDOS patch for public files

<CPM.RCPM>        CBYE.LBR      1920  8 Display maxuser maxdrive wheel bytes
<CPM.RCPM>        ZCMD8080.LBR  53248 8 CCP replacement for 8080 systems

<CPM.SQUSQ>       CRNCH23D.LBR  83456 8 CRUNCH/UNCR for DateStamper

<CPM.SUBMIT>      NEWBATCH.LBR  4352  8 Make SUBMIT-like COM files

<CPM.SYSUTL>      1KUTILS3.LBR  15232 8 Improved '1K' utilities
<CPM.SYSUTL>      LOGON12.LBR   22528 8 Command line menu/password utility
<CPM.SYSUTL>      PORTCHK.LBR   6400  8 Displays data present at a port
<CPM.SYSUTL>      TPA31.LBR     4224  8 Report TPA memory available
<CPM.SYSUTL>      YKEY20.LBR    45056 8 Set function keys in specific pgms.

<CPM.TURBODOS>    MDRV-TD.LBR   5248  8 TurboDOS driver for CompuPro

<CPM.TURBOPAS>    MENUDEMO.LBR  22784 8 Menu utilities in Turbo Pascal
<CPM.TURBOPAS>    PASCAL.TZT    8960  8 Turbo Pascal function & procedures

<CPM.TXTUTL>      ALPHAT20.LBR  53376 8 Embedded command txt print formatter
<CPM.TXTUTL>      BSPAD.LBR     12928 8 Store 20 items in this Scratch Pad
<CPM.TXTUTL>      DICTNU.LBR    39168 8 Check text files for diction errors
<CPM.TXTUTL>      ENDNOTE.LBR   15360 8 Handles endnotes in a text file
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FIXTEXT.LBR   12672 8 Fix text files of orphan CR or LF
<CPM.TXTUTL>      PEEP13.LBR    9472  8 A bidirectional file viewer
<CPM.TXTUTL>      PRNTXT14.LBR  26880 8 Make COM files from text files
<CPM.TXTUTL>      QL20.LBR      63360 8 Types crunched, squeezed, uncompress
<CPM.TXTUTL>      VCOMP13.LBR   27136 8 Visual file comparison
<CPM.TXTUTL>      WT20.LBR      5120  8 Bidirectional type/browse utility

<CPM.VDOEDIT>     PWLINE25.DZC  896   8 Use 25 lines in Perfect Writer
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE262.BUG    2069  7 Bug report for VDE version 2.62
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE262.LBR    62464 8 Full screen text editor/processor
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE262FX.LBR  1280  8 Fix to VDE262 reform problem
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDEMACRO.LBR  7168  8 Macros for VDE 2.62

<CPM.ZCPR33>      ADIR10.LBR    18304 8 Parses Aliases and displays director
<CPM.ZCPR33>      BCOMP10B.FIX  488   7 Fix to BCOMP version 1.0b
<CPM.ZCPR33>      BCOMP10B.LBR  37248 8 Screen Oriented Binary Comparison
<CPM.ZCPR33>      BUSHBETB.LBR 146432 8 ZCPR3 Harddisk Backup utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>      BUSHFIX1.LBR  6912  8 Correct COM file for BUSHBETB
<CPM.ZCPR33>      FASTARNZ.ZZZ  5120  8 Optimizing automatic disk accesses
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LAP.LBR       4608  8 ZCPR path/LDR utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LBREXT23.LBR  23168 8 Extracts/uncompresses from libraries
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LUSH10.LBR    22016 8 Library Utility SHell
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LX18.LBR      18688 8 ZCPR3 Library eXecute tool
<CPM.ZCPR33>      RCPMC.LBR     6016  8 Z33 file copier RCP
<CPM.ZCPR33>      RCPMKE13.LBR  40832 8 Unix-like MAKE for ZCPR 33
<CPM.ZCPR33>      RCPPEEP.LBR   11776 8 Text browser/lister Z33 RCP
<CPM.ZCPR33>      RCPTRGGR.TZT  2432  8 Info on ZCPR's RCP with trigger key
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SALIAS1H.LBR  52992 8 Screen oriented alias editor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SUGGEST.ZZ3   3328  8 Suggestions for ZCPR SYStem package
<CPM.ZCPR33>      VTCAP11.LBR  120448 8 Database management for TCAP files
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z33MAKE.LBR   21120 8 Moves files to new user area
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z33TRC11.LBR  14848 8 Transient RCP for ZCPR3.3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z3INSTP.LBR   23040 8 ZCPR auto-installer for Turbo Pascal
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZBGQ11.LBR    6656  8 Easy loading of BackGrounder

<CPM.ZCPRNEWS>    Z-NEWS.8Z6    7296  8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #806

<MISC.BBS>        BBSSIGN.UP    14504 7 Concerns registering to a new BBS
<MISC.BBS>        EDN-FCC.TXT   2739  7 Discussion of FCC proposal
<MISC.BBS>        FCCSTORY.TXT  11237 7 Article about FCC proposal
<MISC.BBS>        HOUSEFCC.TXT  4242  7 Letter to FCC from Congressmen
<MISC.BBS>        PORTAL.INF    29363 7 Usenet access for flat $10 per month
<MISC.BBS>        SYSOPLTR.TXT  4217  7 Hints for beginning BBS SysOps
<MISC.BBS>        WHITEHSE.PHN  833   7 Phone number to call the White House

<MISC.MODEMS>     USR-HAYS.TXT  2068  7 U.S. Robotics/Hayes share technology

<MISC.TELEPHONE>  TOLLFREE.NUM  11064 7 List of Toll free (800) numbers

<MISC.VAXVMS>     AAAREAD.ME    1462  7 Describes VAX/VMS files in this DIR

TOTALS:    Size          3,459,432 bytes

Printed 130 records.

These files are available via standard anonymous FTP.  They are also
available on my RCP/M and on GEnie's CP/M RoundTable.

--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {bellcore,decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)