I'm a Apple CP/M 2.2 user, my configuration consists of a 64K Apple ][+ with a Z80 softcard. I can run Apple CP/M 56K and Apple CP/M 60K without difficulties. I would like to install ZCPR2 on my Apple but therefor I need a SYSGEN program, which I don't have. On my CP/M system disk I have two programs called CPM56.COM and CPM60.COM which write the CP/M image to the system tracks of a disk. The problem is, I think, that those programs don't take the memory image, but a disk base image ? Who has already installed ZCPR2 on an Apple and how did he/she solved the SYSGEN problem ? All kind of information is welcome, my electronic mail address is DHAESE@BANUIA51.BITNET Kindly regards from D'haese Gratien.