[comp.os.cpm] New CP/M files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during March and April

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (05/04/88)

The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the months of March and April.  The column labeled "T"
(Type) is the file format.  (7) means ASCII, (8) means binary.

Also available:

A list of all CP/M files (updated daily):
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - List with CRC values
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.ARC    - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
   PD1:<CPM>FILES.IDX  - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited

A list of many of the CP/M files, with descriptions, (updated monthly):
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.IDX - Comma delimited list
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.ARK - Same, ARChived (includes next two files)
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.INF - Description of data fields in SIMCPM.IDX

Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD1: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.

                   CP/M Report - March/April 1988

Directory         Name         Size   T Description
================= ============ ====== = ======================================
<CPM.22RSX>       BYERSX.ARK    71791 8 A BYE replacement RSX
<CPM.22RSX>       BYESTUFF.ARK  46794 8 Supporting files for BYERSX
<CPM.22RSX>       RSX12.ARK     32823 8 Adds RSX capability to CP/M 2.2
<CPM.22RSX>       RXMD.ARK      56773 8 File transfer using BYERSX

<CPM.APPLE>       APPICSAV.LBR  88576 8 PICS BBS for Apple and Avatex 2400 mdm

<CPM.ARC-LBR>     ARC-FILE.IZF  4224  8 Technical description of ARC format
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     ARKDATER.ARK  1222  8 Apply date to ARK02 or other arcer
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIR-H.LBR    12288 8 Lists the directory of a library
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LT25.ARK      45006 8 File typer/extractor/decompressor

<CPM.ASMUTL>      LASM.LBR      9088  8 A linking CP/M 8080 assembler
<CPM.ASMUTL>      MLOAD25.LBR   26112 8 Improved LOAD.COM replacement
<CPM.ASMUTL>      MUSICBOX.LBR  22016 8 Demo for relocating macro assembler
<CPM.ASMUTL>      Z80MR-A.LBR   45952 8 Enhanced 8080/Z80 macro assembler

<CPM.BBS>         DBBS50.LBR    42496 8 dBASEII mail/msg/conference BBS pgm.

<CPM.BBSLISTS>    96BBS-F.LZT   16128 8 9600 bps remote access systems
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM0588.BZF  10624 8 Brief RCP/M phone number list, May
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM0588.LZT  39040 8 North American Remote CP/M list, May

<CPM.BDOS>        DOSPLS25.ARK  99404 8 Enhanced replacement for CP/M 2.2
<CPM.BDOS>        DOSPLSOR.ARK 134686 8 Source code for DOSPLS25.ARK

<CPM.BYE5>        AUTOKMD.LBR   18304 8 Update the KMD.LOG offline
<CPM.BYE5>        B5C-KPAV.IZS  1280  8 BYE5 clock overlay - Kaypro Advent

<CPM.C128>        MLOAD25.CZM   2560  8 Easy user overlay patching for MEX

<CPM.CALCULATOR>  CALC32.LBR    9984  8 Calculator does 32 bit arithmetic

<CPM.CBIOS>       FIFOS.MZC     4224  8 Example for adding interrupts to I/O

<CPM.CCP>         22PUBLIC.BUG  1995  7 CP/M 2.2 public patch bug report
<CPM.CCP>         Z80CCP.ARK    19085 8 Z80 CCP replacement - Enhanced CCP

<CPM.CPM86>       SWV20.LBR     15616 8 CP/M 2.2 emulator for CP/M-86 mach.

<CPM.CPMINFO>     CPM-DIR1.NZT  9984  8 CP/M directory structure discussion
<CPM.CPMINFO>     CPMPATS6.TZT  15872 8 Patches to CP/M and DRI utilities
<CPM.CPMINFO>     CPMPLUS.TZT   20224 8 Review of CP/M-Plus

<CPM.DATABASE>    AREACODE.LBR  5248  8 Area Code Database for JetFind
<CPM.DATABASE>    CAL32.LBR     20480 8 Calendar / Notepad
<CPM.DATABASE>    PAMS10.LBR    30336 8 Self contained database of BBS lists

<CPM.DATESTAMP>   DS-UTIL1.LBR  66432 8 Utilities for use with DateStamper
<CPM.DATESTAMP>   DSCRESV1.LBR  2816  8 Save DateStamper date when editing
<CPM.DATESTAMP>   DSLBR.LBR     12288 8 Library maintenance utilities for Z3

<CPM.DBASEII>     DBCLOC11.LBR  5376  8 Gets date for dBII from DateStamper
<CPM.DBASEII>     ROFFMRGE.TZT  4480  8 Merge letters using ROFF4 and dBASE

<CPM.DEBUG>       DDTF5.LBR     18176 8 Find string add-on for DDT, SID

<CPM.DIRUTL>      DIRFREE.LBR   2560  8 Reports directory status
<CPM.DIRUTL>      SD132.LBR     63488 8 Super Directory, does LBRs, ARKs
<CPM.DSKUTL>      ARCOPY21.LBR  13056 8 File copy utility
<CPM.DSKUTL>      REPAIR.LBR    52992 8 Repair a damaged disk directory

<CPM.EDUCATION>   ALPHABET.ARK  9061  8 Display large letters on CRT screen

<CPM.EPSON>       FX80-Q.LBR    15488 8 Utilities for Epson Fx80 printer
<CPM.EPSON>       PROMFORM.LBR  8832  8 Prepare ROMS for Epson Geneva PX-8
<CPM.EPSON>       RTX141.LBR    28416 8 Easier use of Epson PX-8 facilities

<CPM.FILEDOCS>    CPMAPR01.LZT  87808 8 Directory of CP/M Software Libraries
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    ROYALOAK.DZR  24960 8 RCP/M Royal Oak directories

<CPM.FILUTL>      CKCRC11.LBR   18176 8 Calculates and validates CRC of file
<CPM.FILUTL>      COMPARE3.LBR  14976 8 Compare and verify two files
<CPM.FILUTL>      UUDEC01.LBR   30336 8 Fast uudecode for Z80 CP/M

<CPM.GENASM>      AREA17.LBR    16896 8 Find location by areacode or city

<CPM.GENDOC>      CPMSRC4.LZT   4736  8 Companies selling CP/M software
<CPM.GENDOC>      FLOPPY3.FZT   3968  8 5 1/4 inch floppy formats list

<CPM.GENIE>       GENIE.IZD     22144 8 Descriptions of GEnie's services

<CPM.HBBS>        HBBS-1.LBR   220032 8 Bulletin Board Message System
<CPM.HBBS>        HBBS-1SU.LBR  92416 8 Supplemental library for HBBS

<CPM.IMP>         I2AS-2.AZM    5888  8 IMP Overlay - Amstrad PCW-8256
<CPM.IMP>         IMP4MDS.LBR   60800 8 Morrow MD overlays for IMP 245
<CPM.IMP>         IMPSTRAD.LBR  92672 8 IMP245 Amstrad PCW-8256

<CPM.KAYPRO>      AUTOBOOT.ARK  6396  8 AUTOBOOT.WS & MicroSphere ramdisk
<CPM.KAYPRO>      AUTOBOOT.WZ   3968  8 Tips on auto-start at Kaypro bootup
<CPM.KAYPRO>      DUMPKP1.LBR   8192  8 Screen dump program for Kaypro 1
<CPM.KAYPRO>      FILER.DTE     848   7 Perfect Filer patch for date problem
<CPM.KAYPRO>      K1KERMIT.LBR  13696 8 Kermit-80 ver 4.05 - Kaypro 1
<CPM.KAYPRO>      K4X.DZC       3840  8 Enhancements for Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KAYMAINT.TZT  2560  8 Maintenance tips for Kaypro systems
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KP-CALUP.LBR  11392 8 Kaypro phone rolodex/dialing utility
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KP-RADAR.LBR  15360 8 Display radar pictures on Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>      PCALC110.PZT  1408  8 Use reverse video with Perfect Calc
<CPM.KAYPRO>      PF2ASC.LBR    21120 8 Convert Perfect Filer files to ASCII
<CPM.KAYPRO>      SKIPMAP.LBR   23296 8 Skip rebuilding of allocation table
<CPM.KAYPRO>      SSTAT-KP.LBR  7680  8 STAT replacement for Kaypros
<CPM.KAYPRO>      TYPEKP84.LBR  38528 8 Touch typing tutor for Kaypro '84

<CPM.LIST>        BRAD2-A.ARK   88210 8 NLQ & lotsa fonts for Epson, Gemini
<CPM.LIST>        BRAD2-B.ARK   75324 8 Lots more fonts; use with BRAD2-A
<CPM.LIST>        FANFLD13.LBR 102144 8 Print on both sides of the paper

<CPM.MEX>         MEX-EASY.DZC  3584  8 MEX made easy - hints on use
<CPM.MEX>         MLOAD25.CZM   2560  8 Easy user overlay patching for MEX
<CPM.MEX>         MXH+OS16.LBR  19072 8 Mex-Plus 1.65 overlays for Osborne 1
<CPM.MEX>         MXO-XE36.AZM  22016 8 Modem overlay for Xerox 820-II

<CPM.MODEM>       RAIDSYS1.LBR  51968 8 Method of batch file transfers

<CPM.OSBORN>      OSUART.DZC    2176  8 Improved access to Osborne 1 RS-232

<CPM.PBBS>        LASTON10.LBR  7296  8 Two new utilities for PBBS
<CPM.PBBS>        PBBS-41.LBR  188800 8 Public Bulletin Board for RCP/Ms

<CPM.PCPURSUIT>   PCP-EXCH.LZT  17024 8 PC Pursuit phone exchange list
<CPM.PCPURSUIT>   PCPD0588.LBR  6784  8 PCPIMP.DAT file containing RCP/Ms

<CPM.PILOT80>     PILOT80.LBR   9728  8 PILOT interpreter written in MBASIC

<CPM.RCPM>        LUXI80.LBR    66304 8 RCP/M Library Utility for 8080/8085
<CPM.RCPM>        ZCMD30B.LBR   80896 8 Secure ZCPR (CCP) for RCP/M systems
<CPM.RCPM>        ZMD148.LBR   191360 8 Z80 remote file transfer program
<CPM.RCPM>        ZMD149.LBR    71296 8 Fix to file transfer program

<CPM.SB180>       RAMFIX.LBR    12928 8 Fix for RAM disk on SB180
<CPM.SB180>       TDSK201A.LBR  34944 8 Backs up fixed disk to tape

<CPM.SPREADSHEET> PCALCTAX.LBR  8576  8 1987 tax templates for Perfect Calc

<CPM.STARTER-KIT> -FILES.DOC    8796  7 Info about files in SIMTEL20 CP/M area

<CPM.SYSUTL>      PATCKY11.LBR  23040 8 Modify function keys for Sanyo
<CPM.SYSUTL>      PORTPOLL.LBR  1664  8 Poll an I/O port entered at keyboard
<CPM.SYSUTL>      SAFRAM6.LBR   25600 8 Creates a safe zone below the BDOS
<CPM.SYSUTL>      TPA32.LBR     5632  8 Report/change TPA memory available
<CPM.SYSUTL>      UNMDISK.LBR   4352  8 Remove resident programs from memory

<CPM.TURBOPAS>    BOX1.ARK      36382 8 Draw a Box around text
<CPM.TURBOPAS>    TURBOPAT.LBR  3200  8 Patches to Turbo's message file

<CPM.TXTUTL>      ASCIIMP2.LBR  8960  8 Print ASCII table on screen or LPT:
<CPM.TXTUTL>      DATASAFE.LBR  4736  8 Disp/save memory after editor crash
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FIG.LBR       26752 8 Analyzes readability of text files
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FINREP27.LBR  11008 8 Find and Replace utility
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FORMAT.IZF    14592 8 A look at text format programs
<CPM.TXTUTL>      JUSTIFY.LBR   26496 8 Justify text files with even margins
<CPM.TXTUTL>      NT42.LBR      15488 8 Write quick notes to disk file
<CPM.TXTUTL>      QL25B.LBR     85120 8 Fast bi-directional text file viewer
<CPM.TXTUTL>      QUOTE.LBR     7168  8 Display random quote
<CPM.TXTUTL>      TP-DIF.LBR    19072 8 Compare 2 text files for differences
<CPM.TXTUTL>      UNIX2CPM.LBR  13696 8 Converts UNIX text files to CP/M

<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE264.BUG    865   7 Problem with VDE 264 on some systems
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE264SP.LBR  26240 8 VDE264 modifications for film script
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE265.LBR    82816 8 Small, powerful, text editor

<CPM.VIS1050>     GDUMP.LBR     19072 8 Graphic screen dump, Visual 1050
<CPM.VIS1050>     VTCRESET.TXT  2943  7 Make a reset switch, Visual 1050
<CPM.VIS1050>     VTCRLE.LBR    23424 8 RLE graphics for the Visual 1050
<CPM.VIS1050>     WS4VTC.LBR    3712  8 WS4 function key patch, Visual 1050

<CPM.WSTAR>       WS4.BUG       539   7 WordStar 4.0 printer option problem
<CPM.WSTAR>       WS4KP.LBR     5248  8 Mods for WordStar screen control
<CPM.WSTAR>       WS4SCRN.MZD   1536  8 Mods to WordStar's screen control

<CPM.XEROX>       16/8-MOD.DZC  4736  8 Xerox mod to generalize RAM support

<CPM.Z280>        232APR88.GZG  11648 8 Article for CP/M programming - April
<CPM.Z280>        232FEB88.GZG  8320  8 Article for CP/M programming - FEB
<CPM.Z280>        232MAR88.GZG  11008 8 Article for CP/M programming - March
<CPM.Z280>        Z280-ASM.LBR  19072 8 M80/Z80ASM macros to assemble Z280

<CPM.ZCPR33>      ALIAS11.LBR   6144  8 Script expansion utility of ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ARUNZ09J.LBR  52224 8 ZCPR33 extended command processor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ARUNZ09K.LBR  10624 8 ZCPR33 extended command processor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ARUNZ09L.BUG  1167  7 Clarification of current ARUNZ
<CPM.ZCPR33>      CALCBSX.LBR   3072  8 ZCPR resident command calculator
<CPM.ZCPR33>      COMP28.LBR    5888  8 Compare files, display differences
<CPM.ZCPR33>      CPSET10.LBR   12416 8 Define console/printer features
<CPM.ZCPR33>      DIRATR12.LBR  30208 8 Displays file attributes
<CPM.ZCPR33>      DT42BUGS.MZG  1024  8 Problems with the DT42 systems
<CPM.ZCPR33>      EASE16.LBR    57472 8 ZCPR 3.3 Command line editor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      JULIAN.LBR    8704  8 Set current date on dBASEII menu top
<CPM.ZCPR33>      KEYMAP.LBR    3072  8 Function key emulator IOP for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LBREXT26.LBR  25344 8 Extract members from a library
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LOADND12.LBR  29696 8 Updates ZCPR3 system Named Directory
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LPUT15A.LBR   33792 8 Builds libraries (LBR) for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LRUNZ302.LBR  15744 8 Run COM files from a library
<CPM.ZCPR33>      LX19.LBR      20096 8 ZCPR3 Library eXecute tool
<CPM.ZCPR33>      M80HACK.TZT   2432  8 Patches to Macro80/Link80 for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>      NEWEI.MSG     947   7 Important message about Echelon
<CPM.ZCPR33>      PWD14.LBR     9216  8 Named directory display for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      QL26.LBR      89984 8 Memory based file viewing utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>      REG11.LBR     6272  8 Convert to Zilog and ZCPR3 header
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SHOWTYPE.PZS  1792  8 Display ZCPR compatility of COM file
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SHSET21.LBR   6912  8 Build command lines into aliases
<CPM.ZCPR33>      T3MSTPAT.LBR  1920  8 Patch to T3MASTER/T3SERVER
<CPM.ZCPR33>      T3SNDR10.LBR  8192  8 Sendout facility for TERM III
<CPM.ZCPR33>      TCJ30.MZG     17920 8 Sage ZSIG Column, TCJ Issue #30
<CPM.ZCPR33>      TCJ31.MZG     33792 8 Sage ZSIG Column, TCJ Issue #31
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z33IF14.LBR   33152 8 Transient ZCPR IF processor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z3INS15.LBR   9856  8 ZCPR3 utility installation program
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZNODES45.LZT  3584  8 Znode phone list -- January 12, 1988
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZRDPUB10.LBR  13824 8 ZRDOS fix losing public attribute
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZSSTAT19.LBR  45696 8 Video-oriented replacement for STAT

<CPM.ZCPRNEWS>    Z-NEWS.8Z8    7168  8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletter #808
<CPM.ZCPRNEWS>    Z-NEWS.8Z9    10240 8 ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRODS Newsletter #809

TOTALS:      Bytes          4,383,297

             Files                165