Hi 'Microemacs' - people, I found in the PD:<MISC.MICROEMACS> library at the Simtel20 archive 57 ASCII entries for the MICROEMACS program and 1 BINARY file "ME1040.PRG". On what machine runs the above PRG - file and is the rest the sources for the MICROEMACS - editor? Because I come from BITNET and have no direct access to the Simtel20 archive I have to use the File Server at RPICICGE in BITNET which accepts only a few requests per day, user and host. Has anybody in netland yet ordered the above stuff and perhaps made an ARC - or LBR - file to compress the whole (in the archive there are as already mentioned only ASCII - files; that's to big to order) ? If so could she/he then post it to me ? I would be glad if somebody could anwer me for the above theme. Thanks so long Ralf Schukey (UZR50D@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET)