[comp.os.cpm] New CP/M files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during May, June & July to date

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (07/16/88)

The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the months of May, June, and July to date.  The column
labeled "T" (Type) is the file format.  (7) means ASCII, (8) means

Also available:

A list of all CP/M files (updated daily):
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - List with CRC values
   PD1:<CPM>CPM.ARC    - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
   PD1:<CPM>FILES.IDX  - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited

A list of many of the CP/M files, with descriptions, (updated monthly):
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.IDX - Comma delimited list
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.ARK - Same, ARChived (includes next two files)
   PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.INF - Description of data fields in SIMCPM.IDX

Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD1: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.

Directory         Name         Size   T Description
================= ============ ====== = =====================================
<CPM.APPLE>       PCPICLK2.LBR  13312 8 DateStamper support w/ PCPI card

<CPM.ARC-LBR>     ARK02.ARK     15559 8 Version 0.2 of ARK for CP/M
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIR-H1.LBR   12416 8 List the directory of a library
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LDIRB13.LBR   25088 8 Display LBR directory with dates
<CPM.ARC-LBR>     LT28.ARK      47478 8 File typer/extractor/decompressor

<CPM.BASIC>       PBS.LBR       31360 8 Pre-processor for BASIC programs
<CPM.BASIC>       TXT2HLP.LBR   20608 8 Create help files for BASIC

<CPM.BBS>         BBS-SUIT.ARK  6144  8 BBS user sues SysOp - suit details
<CPM.BBS>         PRIVACY.ARK   7936  8 Electronic Communication Privacy Act

<CPM.BBSLISTS>    HSTBBS.DZR    28160 8 Bulletin boards using USR HST modem
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM0788.BZF  10368 8 Brief RCP/M phone number list, July
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPM0788.LZT  38016 8 North American Remote CP/M list, July
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RCPMSCAN.LBR  2432  8 Scan for strings in monthy RCPM list
<CPM.BBSLISTS>    RNET0588.LZT  17664 8 Listing of ROSNET systems

<CPM.BDSC-2>      L2-225.ARK    66141 8 Improved L2 linker for BDS-C compiler

<CPM.BYE5>        B5C-DS.LBR    6144  8 BYE5 clock insert for DateStamper

<CPM.CATLOG>      CATLA10.LBR   56704 8 Catalog library and archive files

<CPM.DATABASE>    FT-CPM.ARK   148717 8 Family Ties Genealogy program
<CPM.DATABASE>    KWIKLIST.LBR  21120 8 Menu-driven utility for printing

<CPM.DATESTAMP>   PPIP17DS.LBR  4736  8 PPIP173 non-ZCPR DateStamper version

<CPM.DBASEII>     DBLIBRAY.LBR  23168 8 Database for articles and books

<CPM.DEBUG>       DDTZ27.ARK    77208 8 Z80/V20/8080/64180 debugger
<CPM.DEBUG>       PATDDTZ.SZB   768   8 Patch DDTZ to use CP/M DDT commands
<CPM.DEBUG>       WADE.LBR      77824 8 Interactive symbolic Z80 debugger
<CPM.DEBUG>       WADESRC.LBR   99584 8 Source code for WADE Z80 debugger

<CPM.DIRUTL>      ERAZ11.LBR    19968 8 Z80 Erase utility
<CPM.DIRUTL>      RENAMZ15.LBR  23296 8 Z80 rename utility
<CPM.DIRUTL>      UNERAZ11.LBR  21888 8 Z80 file recovery utility

<CPM.FILCPY>      ACOPY18.LBR   25216 8 Z80 file copy utility
<CPM.FILCPY>      PPIP173.ARK   67160 8 File copy utility (PIP replacement)

<CPM.FILEDOCS>    CPMJUL01.LZT  92928 8 List of files in CP/M libraries
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    ROYALOAK.DZR  25216 8 RCP/M Royal Oak directory file list
<CPM.FILEDOCS>    ROYALOAK.MAP  508   7 Map of RCP/M Royal Oak file areas

<CPM.GENDOC>      CPMSRC-B.LQT  8960  8 Software sources for CP/M
<CPM.GENDOC>      S100BOOK.INF  848   7 Interfacing to S-100 microcomputers
<CPM.GENDOC>      SUNRISE.RZV   6144  8 Review of Xerox 1815 laptop

<CPM.GENIE>       GENIELST.BQS  1458  8 Makes weekly/monthly GEnie file list

<CPM.HEATH>       HMODEM20.LBR  54272 8 X/Y/ZMODEM for Heath/Zenith 89
<CPM.HEATH>       HMSRC20.LBR   77952 8 X/Y/ZMODEM for HZ89 source code

<CPM.KAYPRO>      HOTKEY11.LBR  18048 8 Arrow/keypad redefinition for Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>      K4SKETCH.LBR  21632 8 Draw lines and pixels on Kaypro '84
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KP-ARROW.LBR  2304  8 Change values of Kaypro's arrow keys
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KPARKPAT.ARK  14495 8 Patch ARK02.COM for '84 Kaypro RTC
<CPM.KAYPRO>      KPEDFONT.LBR  14592 8 Editor for Bradford font files

<CPM.KERMIT>      CP409DOC.ARK  68131 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 documentation
<CPM.KERMIT>      CP409HEX.ARK 131563 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 HEX files
<CPM.KERMIT>      CP409MSS.ARK  51604 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 doc in MSS format
<CPM.KERMIT>      CP409SRC.ARK 416077 8 Kermit-80 ver. 4.09 ASM source code
<CPM.KERMIT>      CPKHEX.BAS    2770  7 Kermit-80 bootstrap HEX loader in MBASIC

<CPM.LIST>        BFUPDAT1.LBR  57984 8 Bradford 2.02 - uses less memory
<CPM.LIST>        EP-ADDS.ARK   6011  8 Additional fonts for Epson Print pgm
<CPM.LIST>        EP-COMS.ARK   28692 8 Epson Print formatter executables
<CPM.LIST>        EP-DOCS.ARK   77649 8 Documentation for Epson Print
<CPM.LIST>        EP-ECHED.ARK  28914 8 Font editor for Epson Print
<CPM.LIST>        EP-FONTS.ARK 210117 8 Fonts used with Epson Print
<CPM.LIST>        EP-INFO.ARK   6117  8 Info file of Epson Printer formatter
<CPM.LIST>        EP-MISC.ARK   18675 8 Files needed to compile Epson Print
<CPM.LIST>        EP-SRC.ARK   138938 8 BDS-C source for Epson Print

<CPM.MISC>        MOUSE.LBR     65024 8 Programming language of Mouse
<CPM.MISC>        SMC203.ARK   115741 8 Small-C Compiler version 2.03

<CPM.MODEM>       YMODEM7.DZC   26880 8 XMODEM/YMODEM/MODEM protocol doc
<CPM.MODEM>       ZMODEM7.DZC   49920 8 ZMODEM file transfer protocol specs

<CPM.OSBORN>      EXTIME89.LBR  5760  8 Osborne Executive clock setting util

<CPM.PBBS>        HP-FIX01.ARK  5536  8 Fix to HBBS/PBBS bulletin board

<CPM.PCPURSUIT>   PCPD0788.LBR  6528  8 PC-Pursuit accessable RCP/Ms.

<CPM.RCPM>        LUX101.LBR    50304 8 Library/archive Utility eXtension
<CPM.RCPM>        ZCMDREN.FZX   2048  8 Fix to REN problem of ZCMD

<CPM.SQUSQ>       CRN24PAT.AZM  1408  8 Patch to CRUNCH 2.4 for AZM files

<CPM.SYSUTL>      EGUTIL53.LBR 142720 8 Eric Gans great CP/M utilities
<CPM.SYSUTL>      GO108.LBR     14976 8 Move easily around drives/user areas

<CPM.TURBOM2>     M2TRMFIX.LBR  2432  8 ANSI Terminal Patch for TurboModula

<CPM.TURBOPAS>    WINDOW11.LBR  6656  8 ASCII windows for Turbo Pascal programs

<CPM.TXTUTL>      CHOP-APP.LBR  13184 8 Divide and put ASCII text back again
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FIG14.LBR     29824 8 Analyzes readability of text files
<CPM.TXTUTL>      FINREP28.LBR  11136 8 Find and replace text utility
<CPM.TXTUTL>      PGPRINT.LBR   11904 8 Pascal program prints documentation
<CPM.TXTUTL>      QL31.LBR     100992 8 Memory-based file viewing utility
<CPM.TXTUTL>      SEARCH21.LBR  20608 8 Search text files for a keyword
<CPM.TXTUTL>      TITLES2.LBR   3712  8 Create an index of first lines

<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE265SP.LBR  26880 8 VDE265 modification for film script
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDE266.LBR    83968 8 Small, powerful, text editor
<CPM.VDOEDIT>     VDKCOM12.LBR  15488 8 Convert VDE file to/from VDK file

<CPM.WSTAR>       MERGETUT.LBR  18688 8 Tutorial for WordStar's MailMerge
<CPM.WSTAR>       WSNOT134.ARK  28674 8 Produce footnotes with WordStar
<CPM.WSTAR>       WSNOTE.QZF    1152  8 Quick reference list for wsNOTE

<CPM.ZCPR33>      -NZCOM.DZC    7168  8 News about NZCOM... ready to ship
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ARUNZ09N.LBR  41728 8 Z-System Alias Processor v0.9n
<CPM.ZCPR33>      BCOMP11.LBR   36096 8 Screen oriented binary comparison
<CPM.ZCPR33>      DD17.LBR      20224 8 Z80 disk directory utility
<CPM.ZCPR33>      DOSVER03.LBR  1792  8 DOS version utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      EASE20.LBR    51712 8 ZCPR 3.3 command line editor
<CPM.ZCPR33>      EASE20.QZF    1152  8 Quick reference card for EASE
<CPM.ZCPR33>      FINRP28Z.LBR  3968  8 Find/Replace utility for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>      MCOPY47B.BUG  356   7 Bug in Mcopy version 4.7b with RSX.
<CPM.ZCPR33>      MKDIR32.LBR   13312 8 Edit named directory files
<CPM.ZCPR33>      MU313.LBR     20352 8 Memory utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      NZCOM.DZC     7168  8 NZ-COM 2.0 is now available - info
<CPM.ZCPR33>      PAGE20.LBR    16768 8 File screen print utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SLRLIB.LBR    22144 8 Z3 .REL files in SLR format
<CPM.ZCPR33>      SYSENV2.LBR   4992  8 Enhanced System Environment for Z34
<CPM.ZCPR33>      TCJ32.MZG     23552 8 Sage ZSIG Column, TCJ Issue #32
<CPM.ZCPR33>      TRIM.LBR      5760  8 Z-Tool to truncate object files
<CPM.ZCPR33>      W22.LBR       26624 8 Helps other programs use wild cards
<CPM.ZCPR33>      WORDDEMO.LBR  6400  8 Word Processing under ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>      Z34RCP10.LBR  79232 8 ZCPR34 Resident Command Package
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZF10J.LBR     65408 8 SWEEP-like utility for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZFILES03.LZT  4864  8 Information on Z-System Utilities
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZPATCH13.LBR  38912 8 Screen-oriented ZCPR3 file patcher
<CPM.ZCPR33>      ZUTILBUG.0Z2  2304  8 Latest bug report for ZCPR programs.


TOTALS:    Bytes            3,962,913

           Files                  109

For those unable to access SIMTEL20 because of network restrictions,
please remember that MOST of the new files announced to Info-Cpm are
also available on my RCP/M Royal Oak (MI) which may be accessed at 
300 bps (Bell 103a), 1200 bps (Bell 212a), 2400 bps (V.22 bis), or
9600 bps (HST).  The telephone number is (313) 759-6569 (now reachable
on PC Pursuit at 2400 bps).  They are also available from the National
CP/M RoundTable on General Electric Information Services' GEnie.

--Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the CP/M and MSDOS archives at SIMTEL20.ARPA []
Uucp: {decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uunet,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)