[comp.os.cpm] 'New' Z80 Processor

black@ll-micro (Jerry Glomph Black) (04/03/89)

>I've heard some rumours that Zilog recently has released a NEW version of the
>Z80 processor. The new version should (according to the rumours) have a largely
>expanded instruction set, with multiplication, division, SIO routines, etc...
>Is this actually the case? I thought Z80 was out years ago.

>SNAIL: Bjoern Fahller

This fellow is (in my opinion) referring to the chip called the Z180 by Zilog.
It is in fact a Hitachi product, the HD64180, which has been around for several
years, and now Zilog can at least sell it.  I have used many of them, in the
SB180 single-board computer.  This machine is highly recommended for Z80, CP/M,
and ZCPR3 enthusiasts.  For info see the articles in BYTE magazine in September
and October 1985.  There is now an electrically Z80 compatible version of the
64180 (it's always been software compatible), so you can use the same annoying
peripheral chips.  In fact, you won't need them, because the 64180 (aka Z180)
has a 2-channel CTC, DMA, SIO, and other goodies all on one chip, as well as
the ability to handle up to 1 MByte.  A few new instructions are added, mostly
to handle the internal I/O ports, and there IS a multiply (8 x 8) instruction
(sorry, no divide instruction) It's also an inexpensive chip. Get an
SB180 from Micromint ($300., 25 Terrace Dr., Vernon, CT 06066 USA
(800)-635-3355)  I know the chip's price is $12. in moderate quantities.
-----I have no connection with them, other than being a happy customer----

Jerry G Black, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood St. C-120, Lexington MA 02173
Phone (617) 981-4721     Fax (617) 862-9057  black@micro@VLSI.LL.MIT.EDU