xd2w@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU (Bruce Ide) (02/26/89)
Everyone has heard about the new object oriented language, C++. Is there any truth to the rumor that there is a new object oriented cobol out, ADD 1 TO COBOL? -Grey Fox
xd2w@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU (Bruce Ide) (04/06/89)
Ok Guys... Who knows about the Vector 4 graphics? I need some info... 1) It looks like I have two processors, a Z80 and either an 8080 or an 8088-2, the documentation is unclear which. Can I run IBM stuff with this thing if it is an 8088-2, and what can the 8080 do if that's what I have? 2) Does anyone know which processor I have (8088-2 or 8080)? 3) Can I run a Samsung modem off the sieral port? I am trying with a male- male rs232 and it's acting funny. The modem will talk to the computer, but not vice versa. Also, I have a switch that switches pins two and three on the modem, and that doesn't help at all. The modem works fine on an IBM PC even with the hardware modification. 4) What is the latest version of CP/M I can run with this thing? I have 1.4 floating about somewhere, but it's Vector CPM 1.0 right now. Does putting 1.4 on my hard disk mean I have to reformat it under 1.4, or can I keep the format as I have it now? 5) Why do my RAM Boards (North star or nor star 16K) have DIP SWITCHES on them and what do these dip switches do? 6) There is no Number Six. 7) If you can tell me what pins on the Serial com port have high and low voltage outputs and all that neat stuff, I'll name my firstborn son or daughter after you... Thanks for your patience. I am new to CP/M and hardware hacking in general, so this is all rather difficult.
xd2w@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU (Grey Fox) (04/25/89)
1.4... Yeah.... I got a Vector 4 with a sick modem port. Can I run later versions of CP/M? I doubt it somehow. CM/M doesn't seem to even be considered an OS around here anymore. I am learning a lot about modems and RS232s though. I might even become a hardware hacker yet! Is CP/M still going anywhere or is it a dead end? I really wanna know.