KLENSIN@INFOODS.MIT.EDU (John C Klensin) (04/26/89)
What you will need is: MLOAD (if you don't already have it) The HEX file for base kermit-80 An overlay file for your machine, or the 'generic' one. The latter uses the BIOS, is proportionately slow, and requires IOBYTE support. If "your machine" is not one for which an overlay has been specifically created, then you will probably need to poke through the sources of the existing files to find something similar and, if necessary, modify it. These files are available from SIMTEL by FTP (the last I checked) from KERMSRV@CUVMA (and a few other places) on BITNET, and so forth. You will need at least some minimal way of downloading a HEX file to your machine to get started--it can be done using PIP if you can get the files onto some slightly more equipped machine and run a wire between the two.
samlb@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov (Sam Bassett RCD) (04/28/89)
Does anyone have a Kermit overlay file for an Apple ][+ and PCPI Applicard talking to a Mountain Computer Serial Card (6850-based)? And if so, would you be willing to share it with a non-assembler?? Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 694-4792; Home: (415) 454-7282 samlb%well@lll-crg.ARPA samlb@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov <Standard Disclaimer> := 'Sterling doesn't _have_ opinions -- much less NASA!'