(Michael C Miller) (10/19/89)
Please help me!!!!!! I need to get a boot-floppy and some docs or even just some info. I have an Imsai. I aquired a controller card and some drives but nothing to help me configure or even run the thing. The controller is a Versafloppy I, a SSSD controller for 5 and 8 inch drives. If anyone can help, please mail to me. I've almost run out of options. Perhaps someone has upgraded to 3.0 and is willing to sell to me their old 2.2 disks? I would appreciate any directions to vendors as well, there is no way to get a copy of CPM around here. 99% of the computer stores around here think that the world didn't exist prior to msdos so the best I can get are blank stares....:-(. Thanks in advance to the throngs of respondants who will provide assistance... sans -- < sans => mcmiller@uokmax.UUCP or > < '..this one goes up to eleven. Its ONE louder.' >