[comp.os.cpm] Replies to Various Messages Here

SAGE@LL.LL.MIT.EDU (10/26/89)

   First, to Tilmann Reh.  I would be very happy to receive a disk from
you with the CP/M ARC program.  I can make sure that it gets to
SIMTEL20, to GEnie, and to the RCPM network in the US.

   Next, for Kevin Lund.  For Osborne stuff, the company to turn to is
Worswick Industries in San Diego, CA.  The number I have for them is
619-571-5400.  If you are interested in CP/M you should consider joining
the Boston Computer Society ZI/TEL Group (I am one of its directors) or
(especially for Osbornes) FOG.  FOG now covers all machines and both DOS
and CP/M, but there roots are in the Osborne world.  You will find ads
from Worswick in the FOG publications.  You might look into GEnie, too.
FOG has a roundtable area there, and we have a general CP/M area as

   Finally, to Nick Sayer.  There are lots of RCPM systems around.  Look
for the RCPMxxxx listing files on SIMTEL20.  One especially good one for
someone in your position is Keith Petersen's Royal Oak system.  He
should have EVERYTHING you need.  Unfortunately, its phone number is
stashed in my autodial directory at home.  I'm sure someone else here
(if not even Keith himself) will be posting it in response to your
request.  I might add that your list suggests that you were -- if not in
the dark ages -- at least in the dim ages of CP/M software.  You should
check out crunching, which has replaced squeezing.