[comp.os.cpm] Video digitizing card

ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) (11/16/89)

I just bought a Micro Works DS-80 Digisector card for my S-100 bus
computer, a Dynabyte DB8/1  It is a video digitizing card with
resolution of 256x256 with 64 shades of grey.  Bought it at a local
surplus shop for just over $5, but it has no software or manual.
If someone could tell me where I can get some software, PD or not,
or some documentation, I would appreciate it a great deal.

Thanks in advance.
Home:   Ian Justman       |UUCP:                 |"One of the few
6612 Whitsett Drive       | ...{ames, att, sun}  |die-hard CP/M
North Highlands, CA  95660| !pacbell!sactoh0!ianj|addicts left on this
(916) 344-5360            | or ianj@sactoh0.UUCP |planet"