[comp.os.cpm] Between DOS and CP/M

JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET ("That's okay, tho'") (12/01/89)

Long time ago someone asked for info on disk format conversion between

There is a program in the Simtel that can do it:  <msdos.dskutl>22dsk130.arc
(it might be lib).  I have been using it a lot and it is pretty good.  It
runs on the MS-DOS machine and has a pretty extensive list of formats it can
cover.  You can also customize it.  And - this is good - it can take ALL
sizes of floppies so long as the machine has the drive for it (of course).

That means the (former) owners of weird CP/M portables with 3-1/2 floppies
can transfer the stuff to MS-DOS and vicci-vercci.
