[comp.os.cpm] CP/M UUCP

ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) (12/02/89)

Well, my "Keywords:" says it all.  Andy, if you need any help, just
slip me a note at either my system or my host.  I will usually
check both systems.  BTW, Andy, I operated CP/M File System.
Unfortunately that system came down because Brent's hard disk was
acting up.  YOu knew me as "IJ".

For those interested in how to contact me, my addresses are below. 
Home:   Ian Justman   |UUCP:(1) My CP/M machine.       |"One of the few
6612 Whitsett Drive   |     (2) My host.               |die-hard CP/M
North Highlands, CA   |(1) !pacbell!sactoh0!ijsys!ianj |addicts left on this
(916) 344-5360   95660|(2) !pacbell!sactoh0!ianj       |planet"