farris@marlin.NOSC.MIL (Russell H. Farris) (02/03/90)
Earlier this week I acquired a Vector Graphics S100 computer with a dedicated NEC 7000 (700Q?) printer and a 5 Mb hard drive. I have a few questions about it. 1. Is there a Vector user's group? 2. Was an 8088/86 board ever made? 3. Can the printer be adapted to work with an RS-232 or Centronics port? 4. Can the hard-sectored floppy drive be tricked into reading any of my Osborne or Kaypro diskettes? Thanks to everyone who helped with my Otrona questions last year. Russ Farris (farris@marlin.nosc.mil) (619) 553-4129 Code 444 Naval Ocean System Center "as for Gunnar I cannot speak, San Diego, Calif 92152 but his halberd is home!"