JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET ("No, me?") (02/19/90)
Hello! Tetris release v. 2.0 just passed the David Goodenough test for QTerm patch compatibility (D.G.T.F.Q.P.C.). This means, yes, finally, that it is ready for distribution, etc. Tetris is a video game invented by a Russian person, made familiar to us through the Nintendo and Arcade versions. If you do not know the details of the game, consult a nearest video game renting store or a video game center, or a person whom you consider to be conducive to video game playing. I have created three different archives for the same program. TE20ANSI.ARK is patched for ANSI type terminals. TE20TVI.ARK is patched for TVI type terminals (^Z for clrscr, ^[=rc +20h for cursor movement). TETRIS20.ARK is a bit bigger, and has examples of both TVI and ANSI so that patching can be done a bit more easily. Like I mentioned, Tetris uses the patches for QTerm v.4.2. (which is not really compatible with some of the earlier patch versions). Considering the level of stress and the nature of the crises I have been going through, I think I will end up producing a few more games by the time my Division III (=senior thesis) is over. Also, David is a rather productive programmer, so I suggest you keep around a COMPLETE (not the ones that come in my ARK's) version of QTerm patches around for your terminal type... :-) Anyways, if you want the spiel, drop me a line stating which one of the three versions you'd like. IF YOU WANT TO DISTRIBUTE TO OTHERS, please use TETRIS20.ARK for the sake of completeness, and please let me know beforehand so that I can update you whenever necessary. Thnx!!! -John (JShin@HampVMS.bitnet) (JShin%HampVMS.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
ameyer@nsscb.UUCP (Andy Meyer) (02/20/90)
In article <9002190810.AA24720@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET ("No, me?") writes: > Tetris release v. 2.0 ... > ...is ready for distribution, etc. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but WHY? Is there something wrong with QUATRIS (by Steven B. Perkins)? I'm not much of a game player, but for the few times I've played QUATRIS, it very closely resembled what I had seen of the arcade version. > Considering the level of stress and the nature of the crises I have > been going through, I think I will end up producing a few more games > by the time my Division III (=senior thesis) is over. Wouldn't you diminish that stress if you were working on your thesis like you should be, instead of writing those computer games?! :-) Andy -- Andreas Meyer N2FYE AT&T National Systems Support Center .--- ..- ... - ... .- -.-- -. --- - --- -- ... -.. --- ... uucp: ..!att!ulysses!nsscb!ameyer or: ameyer%nsscb@ulysses.att.com