[comp.os.cpm] A CP/M version of Tetris

JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET ("No, me?") (02/19/90)


Tetris release v. 2.0 just passed the David Goodenough test for QTerm
patch compatibility (D.G.T.F.Q.P.C.).  This means, yes, finally, that
it is ready for distribution, etc.

Tetris is a video game invented by a Russian person, made familiar to
us through the Nintendo and Arcade versions.  If you do not know the
details of the game, consult a nearest video game renting store or a
video game center, or a person whom you consider to be conducive to
video game playing.

I have created three different archives for the same program.
TE20ANSI.ARK is patched for ANSI type terminals.  TE20TVI.ARK is
patched for TVI type terminals (^Z for clrscr, ^[=rc +20h for cursor
movement).  TETRIS20.ARK is a bit bigger, and has examples of both
TVI and ANSI so that patching can be done a bit more easily.

Like I mentioned, Tetris uses the patches for QTerm v.4.2. (which is
not really compatible with some of the earlier patch versions).
Considering the level of stress and the nature of the crises I have
been going through, I think I will end up producing a few more games
by the time my Division III (=senior thesis) is over.  Also,
David is a rather productive programmer, so I suggest you keep
around a COMPLETE (not the ones that come in my ARK's) version of
QTerm patches around for your terminal type...     :-)

Anyways, if you want the spiel, drop me a line stating which one
of the three versions you'd like.

sake of completeness, and please let me know beforehand so that I can
update you whenever necessary.


                -John (JShin@HampVMS.bitnet)

ameyer@nsscb.UUCP (Andy Meyer) (02/20/90)

In article <9002190810.AA24720@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET ("No, me?") writes:
> Tetris release v. 2.0 ...
> ...is ready for distribution, etc.

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but WHY? Is there something wrong
with QUATRIS (by Steven B. Perkins)? I'm not much of a game player,
but for the few times I've played QUATRIS, it very closely resembled
what I had seen of the arcade version.

> Considering the level of stress and the nature of the crises I have
> been going through, I think I will end up producing a few more games
> by the time my Division III (=senior thesis) is over.

Wouldn't you diminish that stress if you were working on your thesis
like you should be, instead of writing those computer games?!  :-)

 Andreas Meyer N2FYE                      AT&T National Systems Support Center
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