cjp310@csc.anu.oz (07/11/90)
Hello netlanders, This is my first time posting to this group, so forgive me if I cover any old ground. I have an Amstrad 6128, running CPM 2.2+, which I play around with at home, it has the 3" disk drive. which is a rather expensive little toy, as the diskettes cost aprox $10 each... What I would like to do is add on a 5 1/4" drive (I can pick up an old ibm one quite easily.) are there any suggestions, advise or experience that anyone could give me. My second question involves the presence of ftp sites for PD Amstrad stuff around ??? Thanks in advance Chris Patterson. (Chris@coombs.anu.edu.au) (cjp310@csc.anu.edu.au)