ac959@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ed Grey) (07/15/90)
Date: 6 Jul 90 22:40:18 GMT From:!!dsiramd!actrix! (Ewen Mcneill) Subject: C compiler Message-ID: <> Quoting Ewen McNeill *********************** I own an Amstrad CPC6128 which runs CP/M Plus (61K TPA, 180K disks). I can read most other 5.25" CP/M disk formats to import data/programs. I am looking for a C compiler for my machine. Requirements: Moderately fast, Moderately good, Fairly cheap, minimum of K&R standard. Does anyone have any comments, recommendations, or suggestions. Any contact addresses, or prices would be appreciated. I have heard that the Mix C compiler (CP/M version) is quite good, but I don't have a contact address, or a current price. Does anyone else? Please post to the net, or mail suggestions to the address below (the header may be wrong). Thanks in advance, Ewen McNeill. -- --- Ewen McNeill ( End quote ****************************** Ewen, the price of the MIX 'C' compiler is $19.95 plus $5.00 for S&H. I sell the CP/M version of MIX 'C', but I only stock the TeleVideo (DS, DD, 48tpi) formatted version. For additional info you can contact me at this address: Ed Grey P.O. Box #2186 Inglewood, CA 90305 (213) 759-7406 voice You can also send e-mail to any of the addresses below. Take care. ======================================== ======================================== Quoting Kirk Pearson ***************************** Date: 9 Jul 90 20:24:04 GMT From: ccncsu!! (Kirk Pearson) Subject: XEROX 16/8 Message-ID: <7841@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> Hiya all, I've just gotten ahold of a XEROX 16/8 with a single 8" flopy drive and all that. Anyway, the boot disk is NO GOOD. I called XEROX, who referred me to a users group, who told me that if I couldn't find someone to make me a copy of the system, I've got a very big doorstop! End quote ********************************* Kirk, if you contact Mike Heffernan at Mike's Xerox Corner BBS (213-422-7942), I'm sure he'll be able to help. He has a Xerox 16/8 and has contact with several others, with both 5.25" and 8" drives. Take care. -- Ed Grey, Sysop of The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M (213-971-6260) Internet: Bitnet: Fidonet: 1:102/752