(peter kevin lund) (07/19/90)
I'm looking to upgrade an Osborne 1 (80 columns, high(er)-density drives, maybe, gasp, a hard drive), but places carrying this sort of squipment don't seem to advertise much (at least not where I look), so by now my question should be obvious, who has the upgrades? it possible (make that practical) to get the serial port on an Osborne to go over 2400 baud? Thanks Kevin Lund (
Kevin Lund asked where to find Osborne Parts and upgrades. Earlier this year someone had given Worswick Industries as a sources for Ozzie parts and upgrade kits. The address: 4898 Ronson Ct. Suite H San Diego, CA 92111 619-751-5400 I have just written to this address requesting a catalog, and have not receive a reply, (it has only been a few days). Lance Tagliapietra or ucslct@uwplatt.bitnet