[comp.os.cpm] SYSGEN on the TRS-80 Model 4


Hello All,
I am trying to install Z80CCP and ZCPR1 on my TRS-80 Model 4
running Montezuma Micro CP/M and I am having problems with the
SYSGEN program. Using sysgen, I place a copy of the current 64K
system into memory. I then save this image as cpm64.com. Using
DDT I load this image into memory, and overlay the Z80CCP code.
I veryify that the Z80CCP correctly overlayed the cp/m ccp. When
I try to instatll the modified system with SYSGEN, the system
locks up.  SYSGEN will read the original cpm64.com and place it
on disk.  I can make small changes to the cpm64.com with ddt,
and sysgen will still accept it for loading onto system tracks,
so I don't think that I am getting caught by SYSGEN making a
CRC or checksum. I am basically following the instructions in
the ZCPR1 installation file.
I am running out of ideas for getting the new CCP onto a system
disk. I have found where the ccp is kept on the system disk,
and I can even get it off into memory with one of the zap
programs. Would like to avoid having to type all the Z80CCP
hex data into a zap program by hand to get it onto disk, when
SYSGEN should do this form me.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Lance Tagliapietra  taglance@uwplatt.edu