[comp.os.cpm] Need SVA ZVX4 PCPI Applicard Driver in binary form!!

JDB8042@RIGEL.TAMU.EDU (John D. Baker) (10/25/90)

To any and all CP/M'ers who use the PCPI Applicard,
And any AppliCard Gurus,


I need the driver for the AppliCard to use the SVA ZVX4 8" disk controller in 
machine-executable form.

I have the '.A65' assembly source but have neither the 'A65' assembler nor the 
'MAKEDVR' program required to assemble and link it.  (I would also need DRI's 
LINK, but I think MS's Link-80 can substitute).

If anyone can supply me with the assembled and linked '.DVR' file, then please 
do so.

else if
  anyone can supply me with the 'A65' assembler and 'MAKEDVR' && 'LINK', then
  please do so

  teach me more about the structure of AppliCard drivers and I may be able to 
  hand-assemble it. (I am having trouble making sense of the relocation bitmaps 
  which follow the actual driver code.  The bytes I think it means to alter for 
  relocating don't seem to make sense when compared to the source code.

Thanks for the help,

John D. Baker ->An Apple ZCPR3 nut //