[comp.os.cpm] ZNODE 51 down for technical reasons

jungkunz@doitcr.doit.sub.org (Helmut Jungkunz) (10/26/90)

Hi everyone, 

I'm very sadly reporting, that due to a technical problem with the host system,
I had to shut down the ZNODE 51 reachable through NBBS Munich 08165/60041 for
the time beeing. We are working on the problems, but it seems we have to 
recompile part of the BBS's source code to achieve trouble-free connection.
For now - the MS-DOS machine and CP/M (ZCPR34) machine talk to each other in a
way they shouldn't. The host thinks, someone wants to log in, when the ZNODE
is resetting itself on the timed hours. Hopefully, we will get this going again
soon. If anybody should need quick help, drop me a line here at floenz1.
Thank you for your attention.
With kind regards

Helmut Jungkunz      -   jungkunz@doitcr
