[comp.os.cpm] Z-Msg BBS program author and info?

Murray_RJ@cc.curtin.edu.au (11/15/90)

   We are running a CP/M BBS (Z-Node 62) here in Perth, using Z-Msg
as the main BBS program (with BYE, of course, amd my own Fido software).
Now, Z-Msg has a few problems when run with Fido, most of which we've
managed to work around, but it would be nice to fix it properly, either
with the sources (if available), or an updated version. What's the latest
version of it? (I think we're running 1.5 or 1.6). And is there any way
we can contact Tim Gary, author of Z-Msg?


 Internet: Murray_RJ@cc.curtin.edu.au                | "This brain is
 ACSnet: Murray_RJ@cc.cut.oz.au                      | intentionally
 Bitnet: Murray_RJ%cc.curtin.edu.au@cunyvm.bitnet    | left blank"
 UUCP  : uunet!munnari.oz!cc.curtin.edu.au!Murray_RJ |