[comp.os.cpm] Where info for DEC Rainbow?

sonny@charybdis.harris-atd.com (Bob Davis) (11/28/90)

	How can one best transfer DBASE files from a DEC Rainbow hard drive
to a DOS machine?

	Currently, I have no comm software for the DEC machine. Perhaps there
is a "boot" modem program available -- something simple that can be hand 
loaded to allow download of better comm software???

	Please E-mail answers...

Bob Davis, UofALA'66   \\ INTERNET: sonny@trantor.harris-atd.com  |  _   _  |
Harris Corporation, ESS \\    UUCP: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!sonny |_| |_| | |
Advanced Technology Dept.\\ AETHER: K4VNO          |==============|_/\/\/\|_|
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912     \\ VOICE: (407) 727-5886 | I SPEAK ONLY | |_| |_| |
Melbourne, FL 32902        \\  FAX: (407) 729-2537 | FOR MYSELF.  |_________|