[comp.os.cpm] Changes at TCJ

sage@LL.MIT.EDU (Jay Sage) (01/08/91)

Jim Gonzalez wrote recently:

>> I received a letter from Chris McEwen the other day, announcing that he
>> was taking over Art Carlson's job as editor of The Computer Journal...Does
>> anyone have more information?

   Chris is taking over not only as editor but as publisher.  The complete
text from an announcement file on my Z-Node is attached below.  If our
community is to retain this tremendously valuable resource (all the others
have folded or defected), we must have new subscribers and contributors
coming on board.  Please give the magazine a try.

>> Personally, the Z-System bias of the magazine made it less attractive for
>> me, since I'm still struggling with a CP/M 1.3 clone (Cromemco CDOS),
>> leaving me out of the running for a Z-System.

   I don't think Jim really expects TCJ to cover CP/M-1.3!!  With such an old
version of CP/M, Jim in not likely to find much applicable material in TCJ or
anywhere else.  While the CP/M coverage in TCJ is largely concerned with Z-
System (after all, that is where by far most of the action is in CP/M
programming), TCJ covers much more than just Z-System.  We are especially
looking toward expanding the coverage of embedded controllers and local area
networks.  The next issue will probably include articles on both (assuming I
finish mine describing the controller I built to run my home's heating and
electrical system).

>> The hardware articles were disappointing, too.

   What was wrong with them, and what would you like to see?  More specific
comments would be more helpful.  The management is very much open to

>> Of course, *now* Chris McEwen announces that they've done an article on
>> building a SCSI interface, and it's the in issue I just missed.  <Sigh>.

   If that is the article I am thinking of, it described a way to attach a
Bernouilli box to a CP/M computer.  If I could find a surplus Bernouilli box,
as the author did, I'd love to try that out.

   Here is the set of news releases about changes at TCJ.  Please note that I
have no financial stake in TCJ (unless you count losing money by underwriting
the cost of new subscriptions placed with Sage Microsystems East).  I am
strongly committed to keeping this last true hobbyist magazine alive. 
Besides writing my own columns, I also solicit and edit submissions from
other authors.


                                                             27 December 1990

                                 NEWS RELEASE

Art Carlson, editor and publisher of The Computer Journal (TCJ) has announced
his retirement. Chris McEwen is named as the new editor and publisher. Art
cites health as his reason for the change. "The past few years have been a
struggle due to my personal health," Art writes. "It is time to get help. I
spent a lot of time thinking about the type of person who could continue TCJ
from its present base, and expand it without ruining what we have worked so
hard to achieve. It had to be someone interested in our areas of computing."

Chris states that no changes in format or editorial policies are anticipated.
"The traditional strengths of TCJ as a technical journal--its quality
articles and reader involvement--will continue. We look forward to building
on the solid foundation that Art gave us."

The Computer Journal publishes technical papers relating to micro computers,
embedded controllers and operating systems. "Upcoming articles include use of
ground as a surge sink for power line protection and assembly language
programming for the high level language programmer," the new editor reports.
TCJ also provides thorough coverage of the CP/M and Z-System operating
systems. The journal, published six times per year, is expected to expand
soon from its current 40 to 48 pages. Chris explains, "Our most recent issue
went to press with just two column inches uncommitted. We have a growing
backlog of good articles awaiting space."

The new address for TCJ is: The Computer Journal, PO Box 12, South
Plainfield, New Jersey 07080.


                               TCJ ANNOUNCEMENT                           

A subscription policy change is announced concurrent with the news release of
Art Carlson's retirement from the position as editor and publisher of The
Computer Journal. Previously, TCJ was available only through prepaid
subscriptions. This required readers to pay prior to seeing their first issue
of the journal.

Effective immediately, subscriptions will be accepted without pre-payment.
New subscribers will be given an opportunity to review their first issue
before being asked to pay. Should you feel that TCJ is not for you, simply
mark the invoice "Canceled" and return to us.

Alternately, and for a limited time only, prepaid subscriptions will be given
a discount of $2 per year for US subscribers or $3 per year for foreign
subscribers. This offer is valid for both new subscriptions and renewals, but
expires on 31 May 1991.

What do you get when you subscribe to The Computer Journal? TCJ stands as the
sole remaining general circulation magazine providing full support for CP/M,
Z-System and 8-bit operating systems. Articles written by such Z-System
notables as Jay Sage, Carson Wilson, and Bridger Mitchell appear regularly.
Use of Z-System and its tools are discussed in depth. But we don't stop with
that. Articles include advanced programming techniques, such as using
logarithms to speed mathematical calculations. Interfacing devices on micro
computers is covered, as a recent article on building an RS-422 interface
showed. And real world solutions to real world problems are given: The
March/April issue will have a paper describing the dangers of MOVs and using
the ground line to dissipate surges in power line conditioners.

If you are a CP/M or Z-System user, or if you are an advanced user of any
micro computer system, you should take a look at TCJ. Send us your name and
address and let us send you the latest issue.


The Computer Journal                            Subscription Order Form

Name:           ___________________________________________

Address:        ___________________________________________


State/Province: _______________________ Zip Code: _________

This is a:      ____ New Subscription        ___ Renewal

Subscription Desired: (check only one)

  Trial Subscription Basis:  |  Prepaid Subscription, with discount*
|   _____ US, 1 year      $18  |  _____ US, 1 year      $16 (save $2)
|   _____ US, 2 year      $32  |  _____ US, 2 year      $28 (save $4)
|   _____ Foreign, 1 year $24  |  _____ Foreign, 1 year $21 (save $3)
|   _____ Foreign, 2 year $46  |  _____ Foreign, 2 year $40 (save $6)

     (foreign orders sent surface. inquire regarding air shipment)
                * discount offer expires 31 May 1991

Payment method:

  _____ Bill Me. I may cancel after reviewing my first issue and
        owe nothing.
  _____ Check
  _____ Money Order
  _____ Visa
  _____ MasterCard 

      (payment must be in US funds drawn on a US bank)

If using charge card, then:

  Account Number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __

  Expiration Date: __ / __   Issuing Bank: ____________________________

Mail to:           The Computer Journal
                   P.O. Box 12
                   S. Plainfield, NJ 07080-0012

or send by private upload to:  Socrates Z-Node 32, (908) 754-9067


The Computer Journal                               Call for Articles

As the major magazine supporting CP/M and Z-System, TCJ is calling for
articles relating to configuring, maintaining, interfacing and operating
micro computers. Articles should be written toward the intermediate to
advanced user. Particular interest exists toward hardware projects and
installing Z-System on non-standard systems such as those equipped with
Trantor drives. We are particularly seeking an article relating to use of Z-
System in a multi-user (networked) environment and use of SCSI for
generalized I/O.

Articles should be between 10k and 30k in length. Please also include a short
biography of one to two paragraphs.

Submit your article on disk or upload to either Socrates Z-Node 32 at (908)
754-9067 or Newton Centre Z-Node 3 at (617) 965-7259. Graphics should be
submitted in hardcopy and also in TIFF or EPS formats if possible. If you are
mailing in a submission, send to:

     The Computer Journal
     P.O. Box 12
     S. Plainfield, NJ 07080-0012

If accepted for publication, submissions will become the property of The
Computer Journal. Manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by a return
mailer with postage. If you question if your topic is suitable for
publication, please contact the publisher at the above address.