[comp.os.cpm] Bug in Kermit V4.09 TRANSMIT command


I think I have discovered a bug in the TRANSMIT command of cp/m Kermit V4.09.
It seems that the TRANSMIT function looses characters. When I send the
following file using TRANSMIT:
The following is actually sent:
The hex files were created from the following assembler source, assembled with
        org 4000h
        db 'This is a test of the '
        db 'emergency broadcast '
        db 'system.  This is only a '
        db 'test.  If this had been '
        db 'a real emergency, you '
        db 'would have been informed '
        db 'where to take shelter. '
Has anyone else experienced this problem with the TRANSMIT command? I would
appreciate hearing from you if you have -- before I attack the Kermit source
to find the fix.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Lance Tagliapietra   taglance@ucs.uwplatt.edu or taglance@uwplatt.bitnet
Notice the dropped character in the third, sixth, and nineth lines.
Has anyone else experienced this problem.