[comp.os.cpm] Compu-time clock driver, 8080 RMAC code

bjork@NISC.SRI.COM (02/11/91)

Here's a clock utility that I've used with the Compu-time S100
clock board. It has the OKI MSM5832 chip.


; 22 jun 84 rev 1 computime clock stuff atomic penguin
; 5 feb 91 rev 2  RMAC version

clk	equ	0ech	; clock board address
cld	equ	clk+1	; data port address
cla	equ	clk+2	; address port address
wval	equ	50	; 150 microseconds/3 for 4 mhz

	public	start

start:	lda	80h	; get user string
	cpi	0	; anything there?
	jz	ptim	; nope, just read the clock.
	lda	82h	; see what user typed.
	cpi	'D'	; Set the day?
	jz	sday	; go set day
	cpi	'T'	; set the time?
	jz	stim	; go set time
	cpi	'F'	; forever mode?
	jnz	qwak	; invalid, bark at human
	xra	a	; usual zero
	sta	frevrf	; set the forever flag
	jmp	ptim	; print time
qwak:	lxi	d,xmsg	; point at bark string
	mvi	c,9
	jmp	5	; returns to cmd level


frevrf:	db 1	; zero if forever mode

xmsg:	db '** Invalid option **',0dh,0ah
	db 0dh,0ah
	db 'Type DAY D dd/mm/yy to set date.',0dh,0ah
	db 0dh,0ah
	db 'Type DAY T hh:mm:ss to set time.',0dh,0ah,'$'

mo1:	db ' January $'
mo2:	db ' February $'
mo3:	db ' March $'
mo4:	db ' April $'
mo5:	db ' May $'
mo6:	db ' June $'
mo7:	db ' July $'
mo8:	db ' August $'
mo9:	db ' September $'
mo10:	db ' October $'
mo11:	db ' November $'
mo12:	db ' December $'


ptim:	mvi	a,08h	; address MSM5832 internal reg
	call	rnib	; get day of month msb
	ani	3	; mask gibberish
	adi	30h	; add ascii offset
	mov	e,a
	mvi	c,2
	call	5
	mvi	a,7
	call	pnib	; print day of month lsb
	mvi	a,0ah	; MSM5832 register
	call	rnib	; get month msb
	cpi	1
	jnz	month	; jump if less than august.
	mvi	a,9
	call	rnib	; get month lsb
	lxi	d,mo10
	cpi	0
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo11
	cpi	1
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo12	; must be december
	jmp	pmo
month:	mvi	a,9	; get month lsb
	call	rnib
	lxi	d,mo1
	cpi	1
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo2
	cpi	2
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo3
	cpi	3
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo4
	cpi	4
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo5
	cpi	5
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo6
	cpi	6
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo7
	cpi	7
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo8
	cpi	8
	jz	pmo
	lxi	d,mo9
pmo:	mvi	c,9
	call	5	; print name of month
	mvi	a,0ch	; MSM5832 register
	call	pnib	; print year msb
	mvi	a,0bh	; MSM5832 register
	call	pnib	; print year lsb
	mvi	e,' '
	mvi	c,2
	call	5	; pretty print
	mvi	a,5
	call	rnib	; get hours msb
	ani	3	; mask gibberish
	adi	30h	; add ascii offset
	mov	e,a
	mvi	c,2
	call	5
	mvi	a,4
	call	pnib
	mvi	e,':'
	mvi	c,2
	call	5
	mvi	a,3
	call	pnib	; print minutes msb
	mvi	a,2
	call	pnib	; print minutes lsb
	mvi	e,':'
	mvi	c,2
	call	5
	mvi	a,1
	call	pnib	; print seconds msb
	xra	a	; usual zero
	call	pnib
	mvi	e,0dh
	mvi	c,2
	call	5
	lda	frevrf	; get the forever flag
	ora	a	; set CPU flags
	jz	ptim	; do it forever if zero

pnib:	call	rnib
	adi	30h	; add ascii offset
	mov	e,a
	mvi	c,2
	jmp	5	; os does a return

rnib:	mov	c,a	; save address
	mvi	a,10h	; value for hold bit
	out	cld	; set hold bit
	call	w150	; wait 150 microseconds !
	mov	a,c
	ori	20h	; "set 5,a"
	out	cla
	call	w6	; wait 6 microseconds
	in	cld
	mov	b,a
	xra	a	; usual zero
	out	cla	; clear read bit
	out	cld	; clear hold bit
	mov	a,b
	ani	0fh	; mask gibberish
w6:	ret
w150:	mvi	b,wval	; relate this to cpu clock
wl:	dcr	b	; "djnz wl"
	jnz	wl

stim:	lxi	h,84h	; point to cmd line gunk
	mov	a,m
	ori	8h	; set 24 hour bit
	mvi	b,5	; point to hours reg
	call	wnib	; write the nibble
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,4
	call	wnib	; write hours lsb
	inx	h
	inx	h	; skip slash & get minutes msb
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,3
	call	wnib	; write minutes msb
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,2
	call	wnib	; write minutes lsb
	inx	h
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,1
	call	wnib
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,0
	jmp	wnib	; returns to cmd level

sday:	lxi	h,84h	; point to cmd line gunk
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,8
	call	wnib	; write day msb
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,7
	call	wnib	; write day lsb
	inx	h
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,10
	call	wnib	; write month msb
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,9
	call	wnib	; write month lsb
	inx	h
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,12
	call	wnib	; write year msb
	inx	h
	mov	a,m
	mvi	b,11

wnib:	ani	0fh	; strip gibberish
	ori	10h	; "set 4,a"
	out	cld
	mov	c,b	; save address
	call	w150	; loiter
	mov	a,c	; get address of register
	ori	10h	; "set 4,a" 
	out	cla
	ani	0efh	; "res 4,a"
	out	cla
	xra	a
	out	cla
	out	cld
