JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET (Is PShirley getting married bare-footed?) (02/08/91)
PacPerson for CP/M is almost (REALLY ALMOST and REALLY NOT QUITE) ready for release. Prior to the release of PacPerson R2.0, I need serious testors to help me out. These are the criteria: -that you have a complete QTerm patch available for your own terminal/ computer and know how to patch it unto a QTerm.Pat compatible program. -that you have a good knowledge of what kind of bugs can plague a program like this (real-time, interactive) and what kind of situation can bring those bugs out. or -that you have a VERY sharp eye for cosmetic and gramatical mistakes and such. Spelling checker is a plus; this is primarily to check the documentation. And, of course, you must enjoy playing games. If you are simply interested in playing the game and having a good time, please be patient so you may benefit fully from the most finalized version. I will post an "it's ready" message when R2.0 is ready for distribution. (R1.0 is identical in features and appearance to R2.0, so any pre-distribution distribution will cause a general confusion!) If you are hyperanxious about getting the game when it is released, drop me a line saying so. I will distribute it directlyl to you provided I have a valid network address. (It'll take me a while to be able to type in those long UUnet addresses correctly... :-) ) Thank you very much -John Shin (JSHIN@HampVMS.bitnet) (JSHIN%HampVMS.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu" P.S. Why is it called PacPerson? It will be obvious once you play the game if you have any knowledge of all the arcade derivatives of Pac Man. P.P.S. David G. - of course, you qualify automatically!
) (02/22/91)
Unless I hear from the people doing the "testing" (yeah, right) for me, PacPerson for CP/M-Z80 will be ready for distribution on Wednesday, February 27. (Some arbitrary date that gives me some time to goof.) So, give me your address, and it will be on its way! You need: -A CP/M machine with Z-80-type processor, any speed. -cursor addressable terminal; the program comes with two patches ( one for Televideo TVI-920 and one for ANSI ) and with some instruction for quick write-up. Having a complete QTerm patch will help. -some way of getting the network file to your machine as well as a UUDecode.com and un-ARC-ish-something.com. If necessary, I can send it in some other format with a little delay. If you don't have a clue what PacPerson can be, don't be embarrassed; just drop me a line and all will be forgiven. ;-) Enjoy! -John (JShin@HampVMS.bitnet)
CHARLES.COTHAM@f601.n106.z1.fidonet.org (CHARLES COTHAM) (02/28/91)
John, I must admit I don't know what PacPerson is but am always interested in new CP/M software. I am running a Osborne 1 which emulates a TV-920 for screen codes so I might be able to use it right out of the box from what you said. I would be glad to upload it to the CP/M boards in the Houston, Tx area if you would be so kind as to send me a copy to the address below. Thanks Much. Hope to hear from you. Charles Cotham 2205 Lilac Street Nederland, Tx. 77627
MARC.NEWMAN@f601.n106.z1.fidonet.org (MARC NEWMAN) (02/28/91)
>If you don't have a clue what PacPerson can be, don't be embarrassed; >just drop me a line and all will be forgiven. ;-) >Enjoy! Pac Man clone?