I have reluctantly decided to sell my Visual Technology 1050 machine. I bought it to do development work when I was building Z80 based controllers. Unfortunately, I don't do much hardware any more *sigh*... Anyway, here's the scoop. For $750 or so you get: [insert drum roll] [enter Vanna White] The Z-80 based system unit running CPM3 w/128K Two (count 'em, TWO) 400K 5 1/4" disk drives SCSI port RS-232C port Centronics printer port detached keyboard monochrome green screen monitor (12"?) Software includes: DR's Graphics System Extension w/doc wordstar 3.3 w/ mailmerge and orig doc. multiplan w/doc dgraph w/doc cbasic w/doc YAM adapted for V1050 Kermit for generic CPM3 dbase II RMAC all my CPM doc and books all of the other various and sundry software I have accumulated AND... I will throw in: the Maintenance manual the Programmer's reference The BIOS listings on disk (!) The BIOS listings for a similar CPM2.2 system (!) The Boot ROM listings (on disk) (!!) whatever else I've got related to this machine I've still even got the original boxes (somewhere). What a deal. [exit Vanna White] [shoot drummer] I may be reached at email listed below, or USnail at Lee Thomison AFAB Industries PO Box 56733 Houston, TX 77017 Thanks, Lee Thomison BITNET: OPTON@UHVAX1 landline: (713) 749-3127
) (02/01/88)
I am surrendering to the MS-DOS world, so my old reliable CP/M system is for sale. It includes: Morrow Designs MD-3 with MT-70 amber terminal. The MD-3 has been upgraded from the original with the addition of a cooling fan, a clock board, and an 8088 coprocessor board w/ 256K RAM (which can be used as a RAMdisk under CP/M). Included is the following software--NewWord (word processor --like WordStar), Personal Pearl database, PILOT and BASIC, SmartKEY and Correct-It spelling cheker. Also includes is MIX C and the Infocom games Starcross and Planetfall. ZCPR 3.0 and 3.3 on self-installing Z-COM disks. Mastering CP/M (Miller), The CP/M Handbook (Zaks), ZCPR: The Manual (Conn) and various articles on CP/M and CP/M public domain software. A raft of CP/M public domain software--good, useful stuff--no junk. A full set of the Morrow Owner's Review--a magazine much like Foghorn. A full set of technical manuals for the computer, terminal, clock and coprocessor boards. The price may seem steep at $1200, but that includes UPS shipping to your front door. If the price is beyond your means, send me a message at SEWARDB@UNCG.BITNET and maybe we can negotiate a deal. Thanks.
moskowit@paul.rutgers.edu (Len Moskowitz) (03/06/91)
For sale: Heath/Zenith H-89 terminal. Black/white. Clean. $50 4 - 8" SSDD (600k) disk drives in cabinets (2 to a cabinet) with power supplies. 2 are Siemens. 2 are Shugarts. The Shugarts are new and have never been used. All work well. $50 for all 4. Morrow DJDMA disk controller (includes system disk with drivers). Fast. $25. North Star Z-80A CPU board. Modified to IEEE-696 per Microsystems article. $10 Ithaca InterSystems I/O and 64k RAM boards. $10 each Morrow 20 slot S-100 Motherboard. $10 Sunny S-100 power supply. $10 Sheet metal S-100 chassis with wood top. $10. (Chassis plus power supply and motherboard: $25) All above sold as package for $100. Includes some software. Documentation available for all items. All offers considered. You pay shipping. E-mail to moskowit@paul.rutgers.edu.