kenw@noah.arc.CDN.UUCP (09/28/87)
I have WordStar 4.0. The verdict: thumbs up! Particular wins, in my view, are the properly functioning paragraph reformatting, embedded rulers, improved WYSIWYG display, and vastly improved installation/tailoring facilities. No particular problems to far. Haven't given it a real workout yet. It no longer includes SPELSTAR, but then I never had it before, either. It includes instead what I gather is a well-regarded spelling checker package, The Word Plus. I think I like my own spelling checker better, but then I haven't really worked this one yet, either. The 8" distribution (that's what I have - you get your choice, of course) comes with SIX SSSD disks. I can get the whole thing on one of my DSDD disks, so i guess it comes to about 750k or so. The distionary alone is something like 120k, and there are some neat utilities that come with it. The documentation is complete, and has a full index. Being very familiar with WordStar 3.0, I've hardly looked at it. It's not like either the 3.0 or 3.3 stuff. It does contain both tutorial and reference. Yes, it's worth the money. /kenw
Message-ID: <COR-ACB-CA60I@OFFICE-1> First, I am not a Wordstar user. I have recently received a report that Write-Hand-Man does not work with Wordstar 4. WHM is a memory resident pop-up desk accessory that has worked with all kinds of configurations in the past. I find it hard to imagine what Micropro could have done that would affect WHM and not Smartkey, and while they might ignore Poor Person Software and WHM, they could not ignore Smartkey. Has anyone had trouble with memory residents and Wordstar 4? I bet that Wordstar 4 is so much larger that the loss of memory caused by WHM is the problem but my reports are very vague ("It doesn't work"). Thanks for any ideas. (Doug Platt) (03/11/91)
Hello Roger Have heard nothing back from you Re Wordstar 4.0 Have you disappeared? Doug