[comp.os.cpm] news

fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Filip M Gieszczykiewicz) (04/26/91)


	I have a Sol20 (as you may remember :-) and have only 1 drive
	(second one is in the mail, or so I hear). Well, with just
	one drive I have been able to format a diskette and then
	SYSGEN it. I have been unable, however, to get either of
	the copy programs that came with the machine to work with
	my setup - PIP and SCOPY.

	Just when I thought all hope was lost, I came up with an idea
	on how to do it. It's quite simple if one has access to the
	DDT utility. (debugger) The procedure is as follows:

	1) run DDT. You will get a message that DDT loaded and a
	version number will appear. The prompt should be a "-".
	2) insert the SOURCE disk and type "Ifilename.ext" - no space
	between the I and the filename. 
	3) Now type "R" - either you get an error message or the
	file loads and gives you "NEXT PC" and on the second line
	the ending address and the starting address, respectively.
	4) insert the DESTINATION disk. (I assume you have CP/M
	on it - for a warm-boot)
	5) press CTRL-C (you should get the A> prompt) if computer
	hangs, you didn't SYSGEN the DESTINATION.
	6) Now, I hope you wrote down the number under the "NEXT"
	header. That's the HEX ending address of the program now
	in memory. 
	7) For you hackers out there, quickly, what's the decimal
	equivalent of that hex number. For those non-hackers, either
	use a HEX-DEC table to a calculator and get that "NEXT" number
	into decimal.
	8) type "SAVE nnn filename.ext". "SAVE" is a built-in CP/M
	command that saves nnn 256-byte pages to disk with the name
	of "filename.ext". This is equivalent to a core dump, for
	those with a UNIX background. Basicly, you are saving an
	image of memory to disk. NOW, the "nnn" is the DECIMAL
	equivalent of the "NEXT" number we just computed and "filename.ext"
	is the filename under which you want the core to be saved.
	9) shut the machine off (to erase all RAM) and boot it. Now, run
	the program (or TYPE it if a TEXT file - yes you can do that
	too :-)
	10) Look at that...

	I assmune noone knows this since it was never suggested - in 
	reply to my 5+ postings ;-)

	Happy hacking.

	Take care.
	P.S. Now, for those with a Sol20 without a boot disk (but those
	that have a DiskJockey 2D @ 05000H :-), (no flames - these are
	no longer made and never will be), wanna a boot disk? ;-)
"The Force will be with you, always." It _is_ with me and has been for 11 years
Filip Gieszczykiewicz  "... a Jedi does it with a mind trick... " ;-)
FMGST@PITTVMS  or  fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu "My ideas. ALL MINE!!"