SonicDruid@SCTNVE.SCT.PEACHNET.EDU (06/07/91)
hi, Please email me since I sent you email concerning converting disk formats and don't know if you got it, since I receive no notification that it bounced..... Also I have a PL/1 compiler for CP/M..... ..................................................................... :<< SonicDruid@sctnve.bitnet >> ============================ : : \\ Cyber Lab Consultant // : : Etop Udoh ->> A2 <<- \\ & Tutor & // : : \\ Computer Operator // : : //!\\ \\\\\\\\ ==================== : : // \\ !! Computer & Network Support : : //!!!!!\\ //////// Southern College of Technology : : // \\ !! Marietta, Georgia 30060 : : // \\ \\\\\\\\ : :...................................................................: