[comp.sys.m6809] Source code formatter

dml@loral.UUCP (11/18/86)

  Well, I've been busy again...here's something to make it easier to
read those source listings. If you keep your listing format within
certain limits, it works OK, although it can't handle NAM and TTL --
it thinks the strings are comments because they're not quoted. It's
keyed to the way I write source, so it may not work as well for you.

  I've gone to making my source completely unformatted since finishing
this; it saves on disk space and makes editing easier. Assemble it and
run it on its own source for a good demo.

  For a disk containing sources and binaries of this and a lot of other
OS-9 programs, send $10.00 to:

	 Dave Lewis
	 4417 Idaho apt 4
	 San Diego CA 92116

If it assembles properly the Ident should look like this:

Header for:  Sourcefmt 
Module size: $00E9    #233
Module CRC:  $43B116 (Good) 
Hdr parity:  $C2 
Exec. off:   $0017    #23
Data Size:   $01FF    #511
Edition:     $03      #3
Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $82 
Prog mod, 6809 obj, re-en, R/O 

*   Sourcefmt copyright 1986 by Dave Lewis
*  Use it to process 6809 assembly source listings into a more
*  readable form. Within limits, Sourcefmt will sort out labels,
*  mnemonics, operands, quoted strings, and comments and put
*  each in an appropriate column. The output looks much like
*  an assembler listing, without the address and code fields.
*  Line numbers are included if present in the source.
*    Sourcefmt [pathname]
*  Output is to stdout, so redirect it to your file
*  Defaults to stdin, can be used with a pipe:
*    List filename ! Sourcefmt
 NAM Sourcefmt
 TTL Sourcecode formatter
*  Copyright 1986 by Dave Lewis
*                4417 Idaho apt 4
*                San Diego CA 92116
NAME FCS 'Sourcefmt'
 FCB 3 Version number
INPATH RMB 1 Input path number
INBUFFER RMB 120 Input line buffer
OUTBUFER RMB 120 Output line buffer
 RMB 200 Stack area
 RMB 70 Parameter area
EXEC PSHS Y Stash end-of-memory pointer
 CLR INPATH Default to stdin
 CMPX ,S Compare to end of memory
 BEQ NOPATH Skip path search if so
SRCHLOOP LDA ,X+ Get parameter character
 CMPA #C$CR Test for CR
 BEQ NOPATH Stop searching for path
 CMPA #C$SPAC Test for space
 BEQ SRCHLOOP Keep looking if so
 LEAX -1,X Point back to start of path
 LDA #READ. Access mode: read
 OS9 I$OPEN Open input file
 STA INPATH Save input path number
NOPATH LEAS 2,S Take end pointer off stack
 BCS OUT Quit if error
LINELOOP LEAX INBUFFER,U Point to input buffer
 LDA INPATH Get input path number
 LDY #120 Maximum line length
 OS9 I$READLN Read a line from input
 BCC DOLINE Continue if no error
 CMPB #E$EOF Was it an end-of-file error?
 ORCC #CARRY Set carry again
 BNE OUT Report any other error
 CLRB Clear error condition
DOLINE LEAY OUTBUFER,U Point to output buffer
DOLINE2 LDA ,X Get first character
 CMPA #C$SPAC If non-printing character,
 BLO DOCOMM   spit it right back out
 BEQ DOLABEL If space, output line
 CMPA #'* Test for comment line
 BEQ DOCOMM Process comment
 ANDA #$5F Make upper case
 CMPA #'A Compare to lowest letter
 BLO DOLINUM Must be a number if less
 CMPA #'Z Compare to highest letter
 BLS DOLABEL Must be label if letter
DOLINUM LDA ,X+ Get next source character
 STA ,Y+ Store in destination buffer
 CMPA #C$SPAC Was it a space?
 BNE DOLINUM Keep moving stuff if not
 BRA DOLINE2 Check rest of line
DOLABEL LDB #9 Nine columns in label field
 BSR DOFIELD Print out the label
 LDB #6 Six columns in mnemonic field
 BSR DOFIELD2 Print the mnemonic
 LDA ,X Get first character
 CMPA #C$SPAC Is it a space?
 BEQ SKIPOPR Must be comment then
 CMPA #'' Is it apostrophe?
 BEQ DOCOMM Probably FCC or FCS if so
 CMPA #'" Is it double-quote?
 BEQ DOCOMM Another likely FCC or FCS
 CMPA #'/ Is it slash?
 BEQ DOCOMM Path name, FCC or FCS if so
 ANDA #$5F Make upper case
 CMPA #'A Compare to lowest letter
 BLO OPERAND Operand if not letter
 CMPA #'Z Compare to highest letter
 BHI OPERAND Operand if not letter
 LDA 1,X Get second character
 CMPA #'a Compare to lowest letter
 BLO OPERAND Not a comment
 CMPA #'z Compare to highest letter
 BHI OPERAND Must be operand
SKIPOPR LDB #16 Width of operand field
 LDA #C$SPAC Fill with spaces
 BSR DOFIELD3 Do the fill
 BRA DOCOMM Print out the comment
OPERAND LDB #16 Sixteen columns for operand
 BSR DOFIELD2 Print out the operand
DOCOMM LDA ,X+ Get next source character
 STA ,Y+ Store in destination buffer
 CMPA #C$CR Test for end of line
 BNE DOCOMM Continue until end
 LEAX OUTBUFER,U Point to output buffer
 LDY #120 Maximum line length
 LDA #1 Stdout
 OS9 I$WRITLN Write out modified line
 BCS OUT Quit if error
 LBRA LINELOOP Process entire file
DOFIELD BSR DOFIELD2 Go print the field
SRCHNEXT LDA ,X+ Get next source character
 CMPA #C$CR Check for end of line
 BEQ LINEND Stop here if so
 CMPA #C$SPAC Search for start of next
 BEQ SRCHNEXT   object
LINEND LEAX -1,X Point back to first char
DOFIELD2 LDA ,X+ Get next source character
 STA ,Y+ Store in destination buffer
 DECB Count off the character
 CMPA #C$CR Was it end of line?
 BEQ DFEXIT Stop if so
 CMPA #C$SPAC Was it a space?
 BNE DOFIELD2 Continue until space
DOFIELD3 DECB Check the count
 BMI DFEXIT Field is filled
 STA ,Y+ Store space in output buffer
 BRA DOFIELD3 Continue until full
 EMOD Insert CRC Bytes

          Dave Lewis    Loral Instrumentation   San Diego

  hp-sdd --\     ihnp4 --\
  sdcrdcf --\      bang --\   kontron -\
  csndvax ---\   calmasd -->-->!crash --\
  celerity --->------->!sdcsvax!sdcc3 --->--->!loral!dml  (uucp)
  dcdwest ---/                 gould9 --/

 All these computers connected together, dialing each other up
 automatically -- what do they talk about late at night when no
 people are using the net?
