[comp.sys.m6809] CoCo III Compatibility

davis@utx1.UUCP (12/16/86)

I just got my CoCo III last week and started my investigation of how it works
and how it differs from the earlier models. First off, my disk controller
doesn't work with it. The disk attempts to do it's thing and then fails with
an I/O error. My controller is a J&M rev 1.0 with RSDOS 1.1 and works fine in
my CoCo II. I called up J&M and they said for the "classic controllers", a
74LS04 chip has to be replaced with a 7404 and that they will do it for $5 +
$4 shipping.  I don't know the electronics reason behind this.

After playing around, I did get the controller to work. All I have to do is
POKE &HFFDE,0 to put it into ROM mode instead of 64K Ram mode (using CoCo II
terminology). This disables the new features, but at least I can now use my
disk until I get the controller fixed. The first thing I did was to start to
disassemble the new code and compare the differences in the ROMs. If anybody
has already done this and has a good understanding of the initialization
sequence, I would like to hear from them.

As far as I have gotten, these are the initialization steps (on powerup):

1. Switch into s mode that enables the initialization code which is in ROM at
$C000-$FE00 (even if the disk controller is plugged in).

2. Branch to $C000 which moves a chunk of itself to $4000.

3. Branch to $4000 which does many things such as moving $E000-$FE00 to RAM,
move $8000-$C000 to RAM (Extended Basic and Color Basic). If the disk
controller is plugged in, it moves $C000 to $E000 to RAM. After moving the
ROMs to RAM, it "modifies" the RAM versions. The mods are different for the
disk, based on its version.

4. Continue with standard initialization ($A027?).

There are a lot of references to address $FF90 and I don't yet know exactly
what this device is yet). Maybe it is the DAT (Dynamic Address Translation)


Software compatibility

There no longer seems to be a semi-graphics mode, so programs that use it
will not be useful (independent of the monitor you are using). Some programs
have title screens that were designed using semi-graphics. They will still
work, but the initial display will be garbage.

Sound has changed. One program I have uses 3-part music and, though
distinguishable, it sounds static-y. I assume the popular 4-part music may
also have this problem, though I haven't tried any.

I will continue testing and would be interested in other's experiences.



	Gary A. Davis
	P.O. Box 407044
 	Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33340
	(305) 476-4393
