[comp.sys.m6809] Software Reviews


I propose we put some more REVIEWS of NEW CoCo 1, 2, and 3 software up
here on the net.  Hey, we can easily beat the Rainbow review by a couple
of months, and feedback (read: wrangling) is sooo much easier.
My first quickie reviews are games for the CoCo 3:
* THE RETURN OF JUNIOR'S REVENGE...  (Computerware)  This could stand
a deal of improvement.  Sound effects are most annoying, and despite
the fact that it's on the CoCo 3, it's slow and the graphics could
have been done better.  Still, if you like Donkey Kong Junior, this
is the best version out.   (128K, NEW Joysticks, $35)  RATING: ** 1/2
* THE WILD WEST... (Novasoft) C'mon guys!  Scott Cabit spent time doing
the graphics and all, then drowned himself by coming up with one of the
worst adventures I've played in a while.  The artwork & sound are good,
but who wants to play a game where every move you make gets you killed?
Or where the computer doesn't understand simple sentences even though
it has a 100 word vocabulary.  In the future, Scott, design the support
systems, and let someone who knows how to build a REAL adventure design
the plot.  (CoCo 3, 128K, $28)  RATING: * 1/2
(Ratings are on a scale of 1 - 5 stars:
* = poor      ** = fair      *** = pretty good    **** = great
***** = the best  )
- ERIC -
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