[comp.sys.m6809] Does OS9 Level 2 unlink modules after execution?

ingoldsby@calgary.UUCP (04/13/87)

Now that I finally have gotten rid of my disk drive problems (incidentally -
my apologies to Tandy and Microware for blaming their software -- I should have
blamed Tandy's hardware :+)  ) I am finally enjoying OS9 Level 2.  I can see
that to be really useful the memory expansion is almost imperative.  I've
noticed one idiosynchracy; I'm not sure whether its a bug or a feature.
Several programs I wrote on my old OS9 Level 1 C compiler run just fine, but I
have to manually unlink them at the end of execution.  Is this a bug or a
feature?  Any guesses?

                                       Terry Ingoldsby

durham@husc7.HARVARD.EDU (peter durham) (04/16/87)

In article <874@vaxb.calgary.UUCP> ingoldsby@calgary.UUCP (T. Ingoldsby) writes:
>Several programs I wrote on my old OS9 Level 1 C compiler run just fine, but I
>have to manually unlink them at the end of execution.  Is this a bug or a
>feature?  Any guesses?

Here's a possible answer, according to Kevin Darling's book "Inside Level II"
(page 5-1-2) (summarized)

If the name of the module differs from the file name the Shell read it from,
the module will not be unlinked.  Shell F$Loads the module, gets some header
info, and F$Forks it.  When it's done, Shell F$UnLoads it.  F$UnLoad takes
the Name of the module, and Shell will give it the name you give, such as
"/d1/cmds/bob".  If this file contains module "foo", Shell will, after
program runs, try to F$UnLoad "/d1/cmds/bob" instead of "foo".  So if you're
not running them from your execution directory, they will not be unlinked.

Speaking of unlinking modules... I noted that Level II for the CoCo often
does not unlink device drivers/descriptors.  One day I had a $3E0 link count
on my hard disk descriptor.  I heard this occurs with standard Level II also.
Is there a fix anyone on the net knows about-- is this a problem, especially
if I keep my system running so long that the link count recycles to 0?

					-- Peter Durham

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