[comp.sys.m6809] Non-intermittent Level II BUGS

durham_2@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (peter durham) (04/30/87)

[I tried to post this about a week ago but it didn't seem to show up.  If
it did make it out there, sorry to repeat it!]

This morning I discovered another Level II non-intermittent bug, like the
not-closing-double-quotes-in-the-shell-makes-the-system-crash bug, and the
giving-a-window-name-as-a-parameter-to-the-shell-makes-the-system-crash bug
(y'know, "shell /w4").

This bug is nice.  It doesn't even crash the system.  The erase to end-of-
screen control code ($0B) will NOT erase the last line of the screen when
the cursor is on the next-to-last line on a 80-col text window.  It works
on a VDG type window, though.  Haven't tried other windows (I have classes
to go to) and I don't have a fix (Otherwise how are we going to keep the
system hackers happy if we do all their funwork!)

Do I get a kill for this one or has it been discovered already?  (I found
it when playing with a screen editor, and confirmed it with shell and display).

				-- Pete Durham

[P.S. to Peter Lyall... my system is not happy making a direct reply to your
mail, and I haven't copied my paper to a vax yet.  But stay tuned... I'll get
it to you somehow, sometime soon.]

UNIX: durham_2@husc4.harvard.edu	COMPUSERVE: 73177,1215
      seismo!harvard!husc4!durham_2	DELPHI:     PEDXING
         / / / /
  Tandy / / / / Color Computer 3 and Microware's OS-9 Level II