[comp.sys.m6809] Deskmate patch

mdk@cblpf.ATT.COM (x5693) (07/31/87)

In the May 87 issue of Rainbow Magazine, Dale Puckett's KISSable OS9 column
describes how to patch the bootfile on Deskmate ( Level 1 version 2) to get your
printer to work at 2400 baud.  For those of you unable to get to a copy of 
Rainbow, the procedure is this:

     1) boot up Deskmate (Dale left this step off, but I am lazy and I
didn't want to make a new boot disk simply to cobble a new bootfile.

     2) Once you get past the date and time, close down Deskmate so that
the green title screen appears.

     3) insert a copy of a master disk (V2.00.01 level1) and load xmode
tuneport and cobbler.

     4) Set xmode /p baud=03  this sets the printer baud rate to 1200 baud.

     5) set tuneport /p -s=45  you might want to test this out by simply
using tuneport /p to send a test to the printer.  If 45 doesn't work, try
some values close to 45.  45 worked great for my DMP130.

     6) put the Deskmate disk in drive 1 (if you have one)

     7) run cobbler /d1 

     8) boot up Deskmate and try printing out something at the new,
speedy rate of 2400 baud.  Yeeha! no more switching the dip switches in the
back between the 2400 I use for Telewriter and the 1200 I use when I need
to print out something on Deskmate.  Now, if only I could get a decent
printout from the Paint feature on Deskmate.

Hope this helps.

Mike King

"What's the point of being grown-up if you can't be childish at times
                                                      -Dr. Who