[comp.sys.m6809] Terminal Communications...

bryanb@bucket.UUCP (Bryan Bybee) (09/12/87)

    Sorry getting away from OS9 but...
Anyone here using the net run a Cobbs System? I tried for a while to use
this software by Richard Duncan, Charles Angelich, and others. The CoCo3 
version has some pretty big bugs in it. I finally broke away from CoBBS for
spending hours at the computer and not getting anything done. I messed with 
for 2 years and still don't have a BBS running, so I am writing my own 
software. I guess what I am asking, is there any Basic Xmodem program that
I can change and then compile it into ML for fastness? The only Xmodem I know
of are inside programs like Ultiterm, Geterm, Mikeyterm and so on. Anyway,
if anyone has a Basic or a ML Xmodem routine only (no terminal program) it
would be nice to get it. I know CoBBS has a basic Xmodem program, but
of course it's in CoBBS format, unconvertible in my opinion. If I am going
to try to convert CoBBS Xmodem, I might as well write my own which I don't
have the slightest how to do because xmodem does so many things.

    Also, a Great terminal program is 'Ultiterm' it has ANSI color, no 
graphics, but I can't think of a way the uthor could have added it since you
would have to be in graphics mode for graphics part of it and then you would
loose your Built in 80 col fastness in the CoCo3. Anyway, the program is
very well documented, either that or I didn't get the documents, but it has
nice features like overlaying menus (draws the menu over the terminal screen
and when you are done with the menu yu hit break, and it prints what you
missed when you were in the menu. Another nice feature is it has VT52. Not
to belittle the program, but the vt52 doesn't work all that great, but it
DOES work, I'm using it right now. Ansi works great with all the Opus's 
Full Screen Editor (Oped). very nice compared to
     Another nice thing about Ultiterm is it has things like Dump current 
screen to printer, or you can print all incoming text to screen of course, 
and printer without loosing any text. It keeps up with 1200 baud nicely,
no matter your printer speed. Also Ultiterm has speeds up from 50 baud all the
way to 9600, and for printer it goes up to 19,200!!! Ultiterm also takes
full advantage of 512k if you have it. Enormous buffer space when using 512k.
It of course is RGB or Composite.

Right now I would say it's the best CoCo3 terminal program so far.
If you want a copy of this Freeware program send mail to me and I will get it
to you. Or mail me by U.S. Mail:

Bryan Bybee
Bark Software
P.O. Box 20273
Portland, OR 97220
# P.S I **DID NOT** write #
# This program. A person  #
# named Ken Johnston did  #
# this great terminal     #
# program! Good job Ken!! #


jonh@tekgen.TEK.COM (Jon Howell) (09/13/87)

I only found one minor bug in the Ultiterm vt52 implementation--It has a
destructive backspace.  (Rogue doesn't work.  huh?  wah?  vi?  oh yea--I guess
that too.. :-)  I also wish it had that 2-space indent--I'm stuck with a shabby
b/w tv until I'm rollin in the dough, so...

Bryan, writing an xmodem routine in BASIC wouldn't be very hard at all.  Xmodem
is not very complicated--I have the stats laying around here somewhere.  (ask
if interested.)  It's mostly:
             1 byte Start-Of-Header
             1 byte block #
             1 byte compliment (255-blk#)
           128 bytes of data
             1 byte End-Of-Block.

This is not totally correct, but the point is, it is quite simple.  Just listen
for nak, ack, and ctrl-x (abort.  is this nak?).  What I don't get is why you
want to do this is BASIC.  At LEAST use BASIC09!  Oh well, yer decision--
WrWrite for the stats on xmodem or for me to write a BASIC xmodem.

Appeal to ALL:  Anyone got zmodem/kermit stats?  ANSI info?

___ __ ,  __  __   _   ,   , __  ,   , ___ __
 |  |_ |  |_ /    / \  |\ /| |_\ |   |  |  |_  |  -- It's good for your
 |  |_ |_ |_ \__  \_/  | V | |    \_/   |  |_  *     health!