[comp.sys.m6809] CoCo3 display timing

jimomura@lsuc.uucp (Jim Omura) (07/16/88)

     I'm trying to find out exactly what the problem is with the
output of the CoCo3 that makes it so difficult to record.  I
have the Technical Manual, but I can't figure out the scope
displays.  According to my information from BIX, broadcast
quality limits are as follows:

V = (2H/525)
H = (2C/455)
C must be 3579545 +/- 10 Hz

therefore H = 15734.26+ and V = 59.94005+ with leeway on H
of about 0.5 Hz. and leeway on V of about 0.0002 Hz.

     Anybody know what the CoCo3 spec is?
Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura