[comp.sys.m6809] OS9 Offerings from Microware

mdk@cbnews.ATT.COM (Michael D. King) (08/31/88)

James Jones, and others --

Is it possible to order OS9 l2/6809 software directly from Microware?  Do
they have catalogs and such?  Would it be possible to bypass Tandy and
their shoddy support system entirely?  When I bought the development kit
from a Radio Shack store recently, the manager told me several times that I
had better send in the software registration card.  In fact, he even sent
me a post card reminding me to send in the card.  Now, this brings up two
questions: 1) does this mean that Tandy is going to start sending out
patches (or making patches available) or 2) this manager thinks that Tandy
is going to send out patches.  I have quite a few pieces of Tandy software,
and I have faithfully sent out  the registration cards.  I have never heard
anything about patches to any of the software, including the ones that have
had customer information sheets (like dynacalc, and the modpatch
instructions).  Does Microware notify it's users of updates to the
software?  And if so, is it possible for us 6809'ers to deal with them?

Well, I've rambled on long enough.

Mike King

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