[comp.sys.m6809] 68HC11A8 HW/SW development systems - opinions wanted

timk@xenitec.uucp (Tim Kuehn) (07/21/89)

I am looking for experiences of anyone who's worked the HC11A8 uC made
by Motorola in general, and any experience with hardware development 
systems (in circuit emulators and the like) in particular. I'm considering
between a Motorola model (which can emulate most, if not all of the Motorola
chips by changing the "emulation unit" attached to the mainframe), and an
Applied Microsystems Corp. EC 7000 microcontroller emulator, which only does 
the 68HC11A8 uC. 

By price the two units seem nearly the same (around $10K US), 
but if I can emulate more than one processor at a reasonable incremental
cost (the Motorola emulator box for the 68HC05 chips is $2K US, so for $12K US 
I'd have an emulator for both the 68HC11A8 and the 68HC05C4/C8, while with 
the AMC box I'd have to buy *another* emulator from who-knows-where in order
to work with the HC05C4/C8 chips as well as the 68HC11A8)

I've heard some pretty reasonable things about the AMC emulator and was
given a look-see by a local company who's using three of them, but haven't 
seen or heard anything about the Motorola box, save what Motorola's told me. 

I intend to see the local Motorola engineers to take a look at their 
development gear before making my final decision. If anyone in net.land 
has experience with this unit (or the AMC, or some other emulator I don't 
know about) and could suggest things to look out for, or what's good about
these respective units it would be a great help.

Thank you in advance for any and all comments / suggestions.

|Timothy D. Kuehn	       timk@egvideo (soon to be timk@xenitec)	      |
|TDK Consulting Services			       !watmath!xenitec!timk  |
|871 Victoria St. North, Suite 217A					      |
|Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2B 3S4 		       (519)-741-3623 	      |
|DOS/Xenix - SW/HW. uC, uP, DBMS. 		       Satisfaction Gauranteed|