(Lawrence Plona) (06/29/91)
I'm trying to extend the life of my TRS-80 Color Computer I (64K cassette). I wrote a terminal emulator for it so I could log in to my UNIX box, but I didn't find that to be enough. What I would really like to do is develop programs on my UNIX box and download them to the TRS-80 - I have already written a cross-assembler. Because I only have a cassette I do not want to write a downloader. Are monitor/downloader ROMS for the coco commercialy available? BTW I looked into the DLOAD/DLOADM commands. I actualy was able to download BASIC programs with DLOAD, but DLOADM appears not to have been finished. Has anyone else out there tried anything similar? Thanks Larry Plona -- Sit denique inscriptum in fronte unius "Let it finally be written on cuiusque quid de rebus publicis sentiat the forehead of each man what he - Cicero thinks of open systems"