perl@rdin.UUCP (11/26/86)
There is an article on this very subject in the August 1986 edition of MacUser. The basic procedure is as follows: Connect the 25 pin serial port on the 100 to the Mac. The imagewriter cable is said to work for this. On the 100, enter the builtin TELECOM program. Set the comm parameters with the STAT command. "STAT 87I1E" will set 9600 baud, 7 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, XON/XOFF. Type TERM to go into terminal mode. On the Mac, you must have a communications program. They recommend Red Ryder, though I know that MacTerminal also has the function that they are using for this transfer. Set the comm parameters of the Mac comm program to those above. Activate the RECEIVE FILE--STRAIGHT ASCII protocol of your comm program. On the 100, hit F3 (UPLOAD). Type the name of the file on the 100 and press ENTER. TELECOM will prompt you for a line width. The 100 uses newline characters the same way that the Mac does; just to separate paragraphs and force newlines. The text is auto-justified every time it is displayed or printed. The TELECOM program will also auto-justify during UPLOAD using the line width you specify. If you want to maintain the arrangement of your newlines on the Mac so that MacWrite will auto-justify as usual, hit ENTER when prompted for width. UPLOAD will not add newlines if you enter no width. See the manuals for more details. DISCLAIMER: This information is paraphrased from the above mentioned magazine article. I have never tried this procedure and cannot make any claims that it will work as desired. Enjoy. Robert Perlberg Resource Dynamics Inc. New York {philabs|delftcc}!rdin!perl