news@umnd-cs.UUCP (03/12/87)
In article <1320@dg_rtp.UUCP> harris@dg_rtp.UUCP (Mark Harris) writes: >Well, here's one. I have both a I and a IV. Really like the machine. >I bought the IV used last year. Got a real good deal on it. I figure Got mine used for $500, not bad for a 1 year old computer eh? > >I have an excellent Data General Dasher terminal emulator that allows me >to call in from home. The version of Kermit available is also quite slick. >(The latest version is 5.0 or either 5.2.) > 5.2, I use it as my terminal program. What's really great about it is that the terminal is emulated via a filter so I can use ANY terminal program that knows how to be dumb, i.e. won't mess with incomming characters. The university uses kermit exclusively so it was nice to ftp a fresh copy of kermit from cu20b and have it work right away without having to hack to get it to work right unlike model 1/3 kermit. >There is a great deal of activity in the LDOS/Misosys SIG on Compuserve. >I think that about 500 or so messages are posted about every week. >There is also a lot of activity on GEnie. However, neither can beat >the price of USENET :-> . > You can say that again, I can only log about 5 hours a month on compu- serve, talk about a premium service, YIKES!! From the response I received we have quite a few 1/3/4er's out there. If everyone started dropping a few ideas we could probably turn comp.sys.tandy into a pretty active group. To all the people who responded, thank you. The mail is sort of screwed up at 'ol UMD right now so my replys tend to bounce like superballs. It's quite interesting how our mail gets in and out of here and sometimes I wonder how it works at all! We upgraded the Sun that serves as mail router last weekend and things aren't quite settled down; news was the first major package up, (who needs mail,pc,lpr, rlogin, and ftp anyway :^)) so I'm using it to reply to all of you at once. >I've thought about getting the XLR8er. Just wish it had more than 256K of >memory. (They have distant plans of providing a one meg version. That's >what I want.) I have heard good things about the board. > Roy Soltoff, of Misosys, gave a good review of it in the last Misosys quarterly. Speaking of the quarterly, it is an EXCELLENT value, 100 or so pages of very useful model 3/4 info. It's much better than 80-Micro now that 80-Micro has turned into more of a 1000 magazine. SNIFF. >For anybody looking for a good C compiler, I urge you to look at the >offering from Misosys. It is a very solid compiler that produces >very compact /CMD files. (A small program can easily produce a 1.50K >executable.) They have also implemented most (all?) of the standard >UNIX functions (except for ones like fork(),popen(),etc.) > I'll second that!!!! Misosys makes THE best utilitys/languages for the model 4, bar none. If you want solid, supported, and 99% bug free utility software buy Misosys products. I've used pro-MC for a few months now and find it to be as close as a model 4 can get to unix C.I'm currently trying to create file time checking routines for 6.3 LDOS so I can use a version of PD make I have. Seems Roy didn't set up fstat/stat with 6.3 in mind so I have to do it myself, icky. I will post make to the net as soon as I get it running. >I am in the process of writing a command line interpreter/editor using >PRO-MC (that's the compiler's name). So far, the executable is plenty fast. > >So, anybody out there want to join in? > > >Mark Harris I have an idea; last summer I wrote the specs for adding a hiearchal directory structure, a la unix, to LDOS. I sent my ideas off to Roy but I never heard back from him. How's that for a project: design a directory system for LDOS and release it into the PD. A hiearchal directory system is the only thing that stops LDOS from being the best Micro OS for 8 bitters. Any brave takers out there? As I have it thought up now, the system would go into high memory, install itself into the SVC table at the appropriate routines, open, close etc, and remain compatable with the FCB format till you needed more than 2 extents. This is a big project and I don't really have any free time till summer. If anyone is interested I'll e-mail my ideas to them and we'll see what happens. -Rob Healey University of Minnesota,Duluth rhealey@ub.D.UMN.EDU or maybe ...!ihnp4!rosevax!umnd-cs!umn-d-ub!rhealey